I know that they’re already revealed her sexuality in Last of Us DLC but I still will enjoy feasting on the tears of the bigots complaining about her being gay or that it’s “forced”.
I know that they’re already revealed her sexuality in Last of Us DLC but I still will enjoy feasting on the tears of the bigots complaining about her being gay or that it’s “forced”.
This is a 1989 to 1994 BMW Alpina B10 Biturbo, apparently the fastest sedan in the world on its debut with a top speed somewhere around 180 mph, per Alpina. It’s a very ‘90s Alpina morning over here on Jalopnik.
I think in the interests of “National Security”, the Canadian government should enact a foreign leaders emolument clause declaring that no foreign leader can own or be party to private/for profit ventures on Canadian Soil for as long as they are in office.
How pathetic is it to find ourselves in this state. Actually hoping that other countries enact policies that are going to economically harm us so that Trump will be reigned in by the only constituency he cares about (other than Putin) -his wealthy benefactors.
Merkel last year said that the European Union couldn’t rely on the US (and the UK as well) anymore, the US became an unreliable ally. You can’t restore that trust, the damage Trump did to its alliances is permanent.
How on earth do we have beef with Canada?! Everybody loves Canada. It’s like the golden retriever of countries.
Have fun, seriously. In the past week, Twitter has just been mocking Trump for starting a fight with Canada. No one, not a single country in this world, except for Russia, hates Canada. Even Trump’s dream date, North Korea’s Kim, said months ago during their lover’s spat, that he sees nothing wrong with Canada and…
“Meek and mild”
By far the best luxury vehicles at what price? You’re either kidding yourself or unaware of the alternatives. Trucks are very unrefined, even if the interior is designed to be flashy.
I would never own a full-sized pickup(except for maybe a SRT10), but warning bells go off when someone starts opining on what everyone else should drive. I can see similar arguments made against V8 ponycars- two inefficient, too big, too powerful, etc. My overriding vehicular ownership philosophy is: What car or…
Had to take a second look at first, those headlamps just scream Ford.
Sweet Jesus, did they just drunkenly trace the F-150 front end or what?!
See this is the sort of Aston Martin booty expertise you only get from Jalopnik commenters
Hi, perhaps you’ve heard of something called public transit? That’s how most people in large cities commute, you should check it out.
A raging complaint about complaining.
Someone write a program that automatically edits out the words “hey guys” “like and comment” and “bell icon” and you will get all my money.
You could buy an Ecosport. Similar size, more expensive, slower, thirstier and shittier to drive but it’s taller and has more exterior plastic!
This is messed up, now nobody on Jalopnik will buy a Veyron.
I did the research for you: Veyron tires.