
I feel bad for thinking this, much less putting it out there, but...

I mean, I have sympathy with teachers that are fed up with attitudes, but the fact that he dealt with a bitch by explaining in front of the class how she would have to sexually humiliate herself in order to advance in her chosen career just seems....inappropriate.

You might be mistaken. My dad was famous and I had NO IDEA that he had a reputation until I overheard a comment at his funeral. A lot of things about him made more sense after that but it’s not like I was actively living with a lie.

Idk. The things a lot of people are pointing to is that they thought of him as “womanizing”. I think this it can just be so normalized that until things like this happen, people aren’t framing as what it is, which is nonconsensual.

The rats are leaving the sinking ship.

Regarding all these “*I* didn’t know *anything*” bullshit statements from celebs. Stop. Just tell the truth.

Can’t wait for Jimmy Fallon to rub Harvey Weinstein’s bald spot when he makes his apology tour on the Tonight Show.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m in a weird position to think about this, because a friend of mine married a guy who got arrested for possessing child porn - and she absolutely did not know about it. She didn’t know anything until the FBI woke her up raiding her house one morning. She divorced him immediately. It’s among the

She had to dig out the prenup & run some numbers. Kids are gonna need some hugs, tho.

Unless it involves Casey Affleck.

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but it’s hard not to see this as a calculated move. I mean the story broke last Thursday and it wasn’t until today that people started writing about how Marchesa wouldn’t survive this....

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less

He would have stopped it if he had ever saw it happen in public!

Nah, Damon’s disavowed him and claims he had no idea the nyt story was about weinstein at all. Harvey’s got nobody left willing to go down with the ship. The rats have fled.

IKR? It bothers me even more that younger actresses sign up to work with him, even the “feminists” ones. I don’t understand Diane Keaton’s continued loyalty to him, but whatever. The younger generation, esp the ones who’ve already made it, gets my blood boiling every time. I just.don’t. get it.

It blows my mind Weinstein has been ruined before Woody Allen.

Woody Allen seems untouchable for some reason. I want to see justice before he croaks.

Unfortunately, even then he wouldn’t be. The conviction rate for rape and sexual assault is incredibly low, and even lower for attacks that don’t leave visible injuries. For 99.4% of rapes, the perpetrator doesn’t go to jail or prison. Unlike the people who get to walk for most other crimes, that 99.4% isn’t all men

I feel like there’s a decent chance they didn’t know. I mean they probably knew he was a massive asshole, a screamer, and someone who was shitty to his employees. (TOTALLY standard down here, and not even something to blink an eye over. Unfortunately.) As to the sexual shit, they probably didn’t know because they