
THIS! Dowd’s obsession with endlessly slamming and shaming Hillary for years and years was so fucked up.

Her piece made me want to punch her in the boobs. I was freaking livid. She acted like a complete twat.

I mean, I’m definitely not hot, and I’ve gotten bad harassment, been followed, disgusting comments, etc. I think it has far more to do about location- I only ever lived in cities, but when I moved from NYC to DC, the volume of harassment went way down.

Exactly. We don’t need to make up reasons to be annoyed by Gwyneth and her Goopiness.

What I’ve always heard is that she was obsessed with Bill, and so Hillary’s always been “in the way” for Maureen. It really pissed her off when she didn’t leave him.

WTF is going on at the NY Times? They publish the Weinstein exposé then lose their minds and let those horrible op-eds run? Maureen Dowd is a horrible writer.

I have this feeling that Hillary embarrassed Maureen in a social setting once and the grudge will never die. There is little that starts a seething anger in a vapid intellectual poseur like being shut down by an actual intellectual.

“But why does she still have such a high profile platform?”

I kind of love this a lot. The Goop annoys me to no end, but it seems like she was actually vocal about HW’s skeeziness and the Op-Ed was unwarranted. If you withdraw from a movie, you only ruin your own career. And frankly Goop was born to play Emma. Anyway, getting a letter from her mother must make Dowd feel

Fuck Maureen Dowd I’m not surprised she’s still clutching her women shaming schtick that worked so well in the 90s. It’s the only time she was relevant. But why does she still have such a high profile platform?

Maureen Dowd is the absolute worst, because I think she knows better but she does this shit, anyway. Let’s be real: Maureen Dowd hates women. Anyone who has followed her obsession with Hillary Clinton and trying to tar her with her husbands indiscretions knows that, already. And why people let her keep getting away

I think I remember hearing a little about that. I can’t stand her so I don’t pay her much attention. I did see a clip of Nicole Kidman dragging the shit out of her cooking on a daytime show recently though, that was amazing.

I worked with a good friend of his ex-wife. I got lotsaaaa deets.

Don’t white knight. I am willing to do that emotional labor if there is a chance that it will help someone better understand the day to day experience of women in our society. Women can choose or not choose to respond to HoboCode - we don’t need protection.

There are a variety of reasons women stay silent:

Because the chances of the perpetrator facing any consequences are extremely low, and the chances of the victim facing negative consequences (victim shaming, a reputation for being a drama queen or a liar, death/rape threats from the perpetrator’s “fans,” etc) are extremely high.

Because we train women to avoid sexual assault, rather than training people not to sexually assault. Women are told, directly and indirectly, and often from the best of intentions, that we should take all reasonable precautions to protect ourselves. The problem is that most of the precautions aren’t that reasonable,

You should read up on how many women are treated by the court system. Slut shaming is a common enough term, if the woman was dressed provocatively she was “asking for it”.

Ben Affleck and his brothers are both harassers and molesters — why the fuck would they rat on anyone? THEY ARE ABUSERS THEMSELVES.

(Scribbling Notes)