Solid front axle...
Solid front axle...
Thanksforagreeingwithme! Tell your ex that she made the best decision of her life leaving you.
It's NOT Ford. It's a DJ. That doesn't like you. Or Ferrari anymore. Who didn't claim to do anything except make the car stupid-looking in apparent mockery of everything that Ferrari (and troglodytes like you) values: Conceit, Arrogance, Pomposity, Materialism, etc. Because Ferrari is such a dick (they're a dick. Did…
The idea of representing someone else's work as your own implicitly requires that you say, "I did this myself." So... yeah. Deadmaus is fine calling Ferrari a dick for sending a C&D from their legal department (which is likely only acting that way in an effort to convince the upper crust of Italian Trashiness that…
I did contradict one thing... I most certainly did... You know... whenever the magical situation that existed in your head was apparent reality...
You know...
So you're saying the ads to sell the car never once mentioned that it was a Ferrari?
I seemed to have missed that... oddly enough, so did EVERY OTHER SUMBITCH THAT READ THE ARTICLE SAVE FOR YOUR ARGUMENTATIVE ASS.
So, once again, it actually comes to Ferrari NOT having a case at all.
Take that.
And yes... if I do ever…
legal precedence based on previous similar cases regarding parody. Look up Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. There's also legal precedence for satirical use of copyrighted materials and trademarks. Further, Ferrari has no claim whatsoever as to the use and treatment of it's products once that product has been…
DAYIM DOOOOOD. You dun shut me DAAAAYYYYOOOOWN! [chuckles at the sense of blooming self worth you have by insulting the dead... especially when a knife in the lungs would be the result had you done that to my face... not to kill, just enough to deflate one of them so as to hear you gurgle a bit before stuffing you in…
if you've wasted enough time by now, need exists for you to take some time-management courses as you could've likely spent the time in a wiser manner than informing the universe that A) you drive a piece of shit and B) you think people are actually hinging their own opinions on your random input... which, I might add,…
You are aware that nobody in internetland thinks you actually own or have ever even driven a Lexus, right? That accompanies wi-fi bound suspicions as to your virginity, back hair, and penchant for duck porn...
BTW, yerafloppytit
if you pressed one eye shut while squinting the other and stared at it for an hour in a dark gymnasium lit by a single red LED in the farthest corner on LSD...
I see you asked him yourself. You, sir, are a mime and a liar! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your ladybits and may your daughter get pregnant with Kid Rock!
BTW, yerajirk.
I got a free Mustang once. It wasn't running. I was troubleshooting it constantly, hoping to find the issues, but then I just went for the nuclear option and rehabed the entire fuel and ignition system, along with every hose and belt, whether my troubleshooting results had detected a need for it or not. I buttoned it…