
@Les Mikesell: it's not about "it's pretty" - it's about not having to wrap a phone in ugly plastic to make it work when it was supposed to work to begin with. Say what you want about the rest, the phone IS beautiful. Esthetically, the design is a slam dunk. Problem is, as designed, it does not always work as

putting a bumper on the iPhone is like drinking Johnny Walker Blue out of a brown paper bag. Sure you can do it, but why would you?

first Spain wins against Germany. Then Spain wins the World Cup. Now Toshiba is refusing to live up to its promises. IS THERE NO JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD??!!

@rulerofthemoon: if Apple says that "it's the best they every shipped" it must be true :)

tried to upload proper size. had to hold phone wrong way. dropped connection. gave up. sorry. :)

good. I should be getting my Froyo right around that time... Thank you VZ/HTC.

@chauncy that billups: happens all the time in large companies. This "Steve replying to me" looks like an attempt to have a viral ad campaign - Steve cares, Steve checks his email, Steve pays attention. Much easier to have 200 Steves answer and keep that going.

@Alluvian: it only works if you hold it right. If you don't it explodes and takes the planet (and you) with it.

Now playing

Why fix something when a sizable portion of your customers don't care for anything else then your logo?

@origosis: honestly, I never set my phone down to get better reception. mine just works. (not bashing apple here, I just never do).

@FiskFisk33: that's a lie. you could not have possibly sent this from your iPhone as you would have to hold the iPhone in your hand when doing so which would drop your signal. :)

@rulerofthemoon: and that would work if it was not for charging you $30 for "open box."

@sp00nix SHIFT_: maybe it's transparent aluminium. StarTrek FTW!

@MaWeiTao: I don't know... $80 to be able to use your 2year contract-locked, 299 phone without having to hold it in a special way or climb a ATT tower every time you want to make a phone call? maybe it's not that expensive :D

@origosis: if that was true... oh god... you can't script this stuff :D but @Zonky is probably right... which begs the question... if he knew that there were issues, why not delay the launch by a month to fix the problem?

@chauncy that billups: his making contradictory statements because there is now an army of "steve jobs" answering the ocean of angry emails coming in without always paying attention if an email was answered by someone else.

@Joe Dinicola: and because it's coming from a "PC person" your arguments are valid? geez. how about making a product that does not require add-ons to function...

@hawkeye18: damn you and your proper grammar. :)

It will take another world cup before they introduce any off-sides tech. Most likely, they'll introduce additional refs before that happens. Goal-line tech however, that's as good as in at this point.

@hawkeye18: Sri Lanka - we'll lunch your shit in orbit for less. :)