
"What's a Metroid?" <- What a friend of mine said.->

@Link2187: Please don't use the sentence "the average citizen will never be inconvenience by this unless..." ever.

@Ryan: seconded.

@FearlessUser: common sense?! you must not be from this planet. :)

One good training option is going to an empty parking lot, and practice gaining control from a skid. It will come in very handy if you ever get in trouble.

you know what would be really good too? a Android/iPhone app. that would work wonders.

so... use a $500 program rather then spend $500 on a camera that takes better photos to begin with? hm... :)

reporting like this should be done with two independent sources. Otherwise, it's not a fact, is a "report by X foundation" which, turns out, has a vested interest in a particular solution.

the most important gadget is a solar charger. having a bunch of cables won

@jongabriel92: it's a legitimate email - probably you've played the trial. I got stuff like that from Blizzard as well.

@Niki S: ooo.. "just the peasants." that is one nice quote right there.

@TimDroz43: because doing so would prevent them from offering you this option, then charging you 99.99 for the privilege.

@fuzzylollipop: I have one just like it, and it's fantastic.

I wish I could. But I am innovative, goal-oriented individual, who is proactively motivated and dynamic team-player, thriving in a team environment while being ... ah, shit, I can't keep that up. There goes my results-oriented post.

@yiff: @Quine: what is it with people and not getting jokes on Mondays? I mean, seriously - why did that comments strike you as serious? Plus, WTFC if it's complicated or not - it's easy if you're used to it, hard if you're not. jeesh....

@booticon: as everyone says, you have to reset the password. Except that you need to be logged out to do that. So log out, reset password, log back in (with temp password), change password.

Even CTRL+ALT+DEL is more complicated on a Mac. :)

here's a thought... don't use your email/bank/etc password for blogs/newspapers, etc. not exactly password security, but should offer a little bit of peace of mind. :)

@Csb1974: I think Microsoft took down the tool a while back for "copyright infringement" or something like that. I guess they had taken code for parts of it form other places.