
I think Gawker sites have more readers from large, diverse, urban areas. If that's where they've usually lived, they won't understand that most of the U.S. is not a progressive coastal city. When whites from these locales get transferred by a job to where I live, they leave in record time. Now, think about it- these

Anti-vaxxers make me absolutely BONKERS. I just cannot handle these types of people! And sorry, but your tenacious desire to maintain your delusions is not so sacrosanct that you should be allowed to put others at risk.

Gingivitis is no joke.

Actually, guns do kill people. True.

Only took two minutes for someone to pop in with "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ".

Hey Dionne!

This guy, though. I love this guy.

PRIDE: (noun) a mental state exhibited by people who presume that they speak for God.

also she is super super gorgeous and i wish i had her skin

Mother says I'm never to speak to women like that.

The real victim here is the dead baby.

At this point, you're just being a complete apologist for every abusive parent. The foster system is so bad by your reckoning, that abused BABIES are better off being burned, tortured, and beaten to death by their parents / live in partners than consigned to foster care?

So you are saying had he been taken as a relatively healthy baby, he would be dead now? If so, I disagree with your assessment. I am suggesting his life would have been longer than it was with his mom.

If he made it past 16 months, he would have been safer.

I don't really think it's a "privilege" thing as much as it is a "common goddamn decency" thing.

If your child is in a physical or mental state that would cause someone to want your kids taken away from you, they should be. The best case scenario would have been this woman losing her kids. They would still alive.

If you're afraid you're doing something that's going to get your kids taken away from you, then you should probably have your kids taken away from you.

YO THE PLURAL OF CAMPUS IS CAMPUSES, NOT CAMPUS', for fuck's sake. That is an appalling use of an apostrophe.

Yeah, the whole first half of the bible is basically, "worship God or die. Painfully."
Of course, it's the second half that then comes around to the "don't be an asshole" idea, but that's more of an expansion pack, not the original.

Well, you have to concede that this dude not having the power to stop total strangers from getting married is a tremendous imposition upon his freedom.