
I mostly enjoyed breastfeeding, did it for 20 months (to be fair, I was mostly trying to end it for the last months) — and still I can’t comprehend why anyone would want to, basically, wear their bodily fluids around their neck.

That’s absolutely how it’s supposed to be served *mouth watering, eyes welling with tears of nostalgia*

My husband is from Pakistan. I’m from France (and we *really* like our rare steaks there). The degree of meat cooking is a constant cause of disagreement between us. I flat out refuse to cook steaks as he likes them, even when we’re talking about mediocre supermarket meat, because it’s such a waste of meat. I make

Jezzies who joined AVWoS because of this article... How did you achieve that? My request was denied — twice. I’m so sad. I promise my FB profile picture does not say “I hate science”...

Are you sure — absolutely sure without the shadow of a doubt — that it’s not satire? Doesn’t seem real to me.

“But then, it’s a kids’ movie”: well, precisely. I found this movie watchable because I’m an adult who more or less manages to cope now; as a kid, I was extremely depressed (grew up in a severely abusive household) and I’m positive that it would have made me feel like the biggest failure ever because most of my

Reddit too. The good is way offset by the sexism and fat hatred. I loved it 10 years ago, though; it was misogynistic but an interesting place to hang out and not the cesspool it has become since.

Okay I’m done. Divorcing my husband right away — since apparently there is no hope for us.

Well I do love kids, but I think safe abortions are great for women who can’t or won’t raise one. Pro-abortion too.

My experience is that you’re just as likely to get sexist bullshit from a female practitioner as you are from a male. But hey, whatever you’re comfortable with.

Sorry that the Internet has made me all jaded, and I hate being the first one saying it, but... is there a proof she didn’t make it all up? The letter sounds a tad over-the-top to me.

I’m not pretending to be knowledgeable about big flightless birds so I may be dead wrong, but they look like emus to me. No?

Thank you for being refreshingly representative. All I’ve been hearing lately is stupid shit like “of course white people can be head of a NAACP chapter”, “she could have done the same as a white person”, “allies are so valued” and the like. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Are you saying you’re excluding entirely that this person might have a personality disorder?

This thing is a travesty of cheese! I don’t know where you found the stock image, but this is what a proper camembert looks like:

Occasional light spanking done in frustration by a frazzled parent is not abuse. It’s not a very efficient parenting technique, but calling it abuse is grossly excessive. I say that as someone who has chosen never to spank.

You got it all wrong. That’s what the population of some liberated countries, singularly France, did to women who had intimate relationship with German troops (whether tariffed sex or love stories). I never heard about it being done to German women, and I doubt it happened (German people had other fish to fry by

Sounds like my mother.

I agree that suicide is often a complex multi-factorial phenomenon, and there’s no way to point at a single event or factor as the cause. However, in this case the parental abuse very much seems to have been the trigger. And I disagree that the father is probably blaming himself already. He may be grieving, but I