
Mine will be named Berthillon. Full name: Berthillon Cacao Extra Bitter.

Hahaha! Color me unsurprised. Typical French administration. I should know.

4- Isn't Lawrence Brownlee a regular at the Met too?

If everyone in opera is "supposed" to be the color, age and physical hotness of their roles, we're screwed. And people like Kathleen Battle or Leontyne Price would never have had a career, which would make me very very sad.

Glad I'm not alone in there. I had a vague notion of who Iggy Azalea might be (not that I actually know what she's singing, mind you, I just would have been able to tell that she's some blond hip-hop singer). But I had to google Azealia Banks. Yeah, I'm old, but I've been unhip all my life so I'm totally used to never

The fact that doctor Guillotin felt the need for a machine to make beheading more humane is a strong indicator that such botching were in fact common (and then of course it went awfully awry, in spite of the fact that Guillotin was opposed to death penalty, but that's beside the point).

Hahaha! As far as I'm concerned, he's a kiddo and not dating material, but I definitely see where you're coming from. Guy's easy on the eyes all right.

"Je déjà parle français": you might want to check the rules for the placement of adverbs in French...


Nah, I'm going to pass on this one. I get depressed enough each time <a href="…">Beautiful Memories</a> is on on TV (but I still watch, because I can't not to. Also, because Emmanuelle Carré). Also, I miss my grandmother.

(sheepihly raises hand) I have self-harm scars too. They're twenty years old, but still visible. It's scary to think someone would take it as a sufficient proof I'm presently a danger to anyone including myself.

Or perhaps he's only crying wolf because he saw his parents having sex.

Just so you know, people with ADD are often prone to hyperfocusing. I know I am. I can have an unhealthily long attention span when something interests me.

"Mrs. P was a widower" : I'm not a native English speaker, but wouldn't that be "Mrs. P was a widow"?

Hahaha! Back in France, what I called "macaroni and cheese" was macaroni with a small pat of butter and a sprinkling of gruyère on top. I just about died when I saw what you guys call with this name!

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Frankly, I cannot believe it's very frequent that a man truly honestly in his innermost conscience believes that something non-consensual is in fact consensual, and that he can possibly be blissfully unaware that his partner is not actually consenting. If someone served this excuse to me, I would need spectacularly

Hah! I have only one and I sometimes struggle to get him to behave.

By this standard I should be a mass murderer several times over. I've spent my whole childhood pointing various oblong objects (including toy guns) at other kids while saying "bang band". On another hand, I've spent my whole life without even seeing an actual weapon, let alone holding one. was quite a typical kid in

Just what I came here to say. There are enough great dishes that don't contain animal products, why bother to serve gross "mock shrimp" or "mock chicken" when there is bean soup, pasta puttanesca or vinegar-based potato salad?