
I have a huge problem with unexpected physical contact, especially if it's rough and not followed with excuses. Which is why I hate arm-bashing attendants with the fire of a thousand suns. And as a self-declared expert in arm-bashing attendants, I can confidently say that their noxiousness is not correlated to their

It's cupcakes that are crazy! A non-filled cake with a huge glop of frosting on top is anything but appealing. Cupcakes look like someone really drunk or high tried to make a normal cake and just thought it was a good idea at the time.

"most European nations, Germany included, are far less racially diverse than we are": that's quite a blanket statement. Someone raised in a city like Paris, London or Munich is likely to have had a *lot* more exposure to different races and cultures than someone from, say, North Dakota. I agree with Krumble about the

"Do you know what IQ tests measure? Ability to do well in an IQ test": LOL. When asked "what is intelligence?', Binet is said to have facetiously replied: "that's what my tests measure!"

I couldn't find any weight data for Candice Huffine, but she's a size 12-14 for 5'11. I doubt she's even overweight. Obviously, fat women can be gorgeous — but this model isn't fat.

Your description of the French made me LOL (you guessed it, I'm French). As far as I'm concerned as a French customer, it's pretty accurate. Particularly the "different concept of what it is they're ordering" part. I'm getting better with it, but to me "coffee" means this not that