Flawless victory!
Flawless victory!
I sure hope that poor fool is OK. There's a reason why the pros wear all that safety gear, dude. Holy shit that looked painful.
In other news, The Mirror has discovered a new mountain range.
I would buy the indignation of this article if Hardigree wrote it.
No one can come at you. That was a win, categorically.
Sorry, I'm afraid you're skrood until you go home. Maybe you can fake it by combining equal sense of goodwill and belligerence.
Statistically speaking, you seem to have misplaced your sense of humor. Maybe you left it in your statistics book.
Statistically speaking, the safest thing to do would have been to pull up to where it struck.
Yellow calipers make you go faster. To get them unpainted will cost you extra.
They've acknowledged it publicly as well.
A3 Wagon: Yay!
Gets 3 MPJ*
Am I the only one around here that doesn't give a shit about diesel?
Oh look! A post by our friend Doug on...CarMax of all things!
I see you're new here. Doug is a former commenter who is now an official contributor to the site.
Why does everyone like to tack the word "cars" onto the Smart brand? Were this any other make we'd simply say, "Fords" or "Mazdas" or "Subarus" or "Chevys".
I read this entire story in Jeremy Clarkson's voice.
You don't own that lane. It's pretty simple. Get over, when the vehicle that is trying to go faster goes by, get back over and pass the traffic that's slower than you. It's your obligation to move to the right to allow faster traffic by.