
“Tweakery” is my new favorite word.

Hello! White person here. I just came to say I found that meme hilarious. It falls into the category of “It’s funny because it’s true”. Those commenters need to lighten the hell up and focus on the real problem: fixing a society where angry young white men take out their societal frustrations by shooting firearms at

Eomer Karl Urban is best Karl Urban!

I can’t believe I actually agreed with a Torchinsky rant.

Related: My wife had a 2019 Mazda3 sedan (good-looking car) that had lane departure warning. The wheel vibrated, which was handy...once you realized what the car was trying to communicate. But, it augmented this haptic feedback with entirely distracting visual feedback: the digital speedo displayed a red ring and in

I truly hope you’re being sarcastic because I was about to say the exact opposite. To slam a $60k vehicle simply because you don’t have the patience to change settings, that are available to you, is silly. If you have time to go spend at a dealership buying this vehicle then you have time to customize it to your

Pretty sure Adobe just found a way to copy this guy’s brain onto their servers.

Is it me, or is Cary Elwes affecting an American accent for that interview?

Only Bill & Ted never say “radical”. Ever.

All the weird shit I like is awesome and if people like different, normal things they’re dumb.

Torch, you and I have differing opinions on what looks “pretty good”. This looks like a Jetta that they left in the microwave a little too long and it poofed up.

Firewalls? We don’ need no steenkin’ firewalls!

But Torch, in my FWD cars with manual transmissions, I don’t directly shift the gears. They’re shifted via cables and/or rods. Does this mean that FWD manuals are actually automatics?


My first winter in Massachusetts I was working nights at a UPS hub. I came out from work one night at 3 or 4 a.m. and there’d been an ice storm. After banging on the sheet of ice around the door of my 1989 Honda Civic I finally got it cleared enough to open it...or so I thought. I yanked on the handle, nothing. I

Nothing kills typos causes more unnecessary manual correcting faster than predictive text.

Congrats, you made me log in for the first time in months. A backup camera? Emergency braking?! Are you fucking kidding me? Nope, sorry, both solidly in the luxury category (forget nice-to-have). Please, sit down before you hurt yourself.

Come to Atlanta, Bill. I’ll go mountain biking with you.

Noted. Still closer to correct than “car”.

Smart Car ForTwo