I love some Metric, but I haven't seen the movie and am confused. Is this Metric covering their own song?
Dick pics or GTFAC
Matt, next time you buy a car from Top Gear and it has to sit in the seller's brother-in-law's yard in Atlanta, let me know. I live in Atlanta and will gladly deliver it to you for the price of two Moscow Mules…
Camry has no meaning. It was chosen because it's generic and easy to say. You can't get any more milquetoast than the name or the car.
I think this is an allegory for what's happened to the American people over the past 50 years.
Interesting that these are all high-po luxobarges.
I work on the top floor of a tall building that sits on top of a hill overlooking 285.
Where's the front bumper? It's really a sharp-looking car, but I have a feeling the production version won't look quite the same.
Wow, the small window on the rear door is way better on this than that awkward beast in the article photo.
Foo Fighters being good in concert shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
My wife does the same sort of thing. She got a "lifetime" alignment and rotation package from our local Firestone. I make sure I take her car in for an alignment before every long trip.
OK, that's a shit-ton of water. For there to be that much water on the road, it would have to be a 50- or 100-year storm; something you wouldn't be driving 45 mph through.
I'm not trying to save anything. I understand the reasoning and the physics behind the reasoning. I also know that it would take some seriously poor driving to get to that point. I put them on the front because in normal, everyday circumstances, it makes the most sense to me in my hatchback with FWD and a short…
I agree, it's important to have traction at the front and the rear. I never meant to imply that the rear was unimportant. However, their recommendation is not based in reality. In all cases, for whatever reason (negligent tire rotation, a night of massive burnouts, they only had two in stock, aliens) only two tires…
This is probably what major brand tire shop employees would tell you to do. Every time I've purchased just two tires for my FWD vehicles in the past, they've advised me to put them on the rear. Their logic being that it's more catastrophic if you lose control of the rear of the car (or something). Each time I've…