
Upon questioning, the driver of the Toyota was heard saying, "Missed it by that much."

Does this mean I won't hear Skip Bayless wax poetically about Tebow anymore? Damn.

I know! Let's take a highly useful vehicle and remove all of its usefulness in the name of doing something outrageous! Then let's sell it and try to make our money back!

That sounds...boring as hell, actually. You say, "political science", I say, "political witchcraft."

Torchinsky 2016

December 26, 2012: Pepper Gray was arrested on suspected DUI at approximately 12:47 a.m. today. According to reports, Pepper attended a Christmas gathering and consumed, allegedly, twice his body weight in seednog. Pepper's BirdBuggy was impounded by Police. Pepper is out on 2,ooo,ooo C (two million cracker) bond.

I drive this stretch of 285 every day and no one does the speed limit:

Four doors are not a requirement. My kids are 4 & 7 and I have a tiny little 2-door hatch. I got it 6 months before the eldest was born.

Car-loving dad's, unite! If I were shopping for a new car right now, this would be on the list.

Hooverphonic, 2wicky, anyone?


I think she did a great job recovering. She realized as soon as one could reasonably assume she could and spoke about it.

UPDATE: Pennsylvania State Police have provided this response: IdunnoLOL.

We only ever saw it from the top, but the Spy Hunter car was cool as hell.

I want that! NP.

Yes, it is a real prank call (it's the radio host playing a call he made earlier).

It's a failed "hot rod" wrapped in politics. CPAAP

Definitely. Everywhere we've lived, my mom has figured out the most direct route to any of her destinations. Backroads, highways, she knows them all. She would do the whole, "I'm going to lose my way intentionally so things become familiar" routine immediately after a move.

I disagree. I always considered it a qualifying characteristic. You cannot be a swimmer and not know how to swim. You can't be journalist and not know how to write. You can't be a gearhead if you don't know how to wrench.

Here's where I disagree with you, but only on a detail. I am a car lover, but I am no gearhead. I can do minor repairs, but I have no knowledge or practice at any of the deeper, more involved repair work that I consider it necessary for one to do in order to be considered a gearhead.