My daughters are 4 & 6 and, while they don't seem to like this one as much as the original, they do enjoy watching it and it's one that I'll sit down with and enjoy it myself.
My daughters are 4 & 6 and, while they don't seem to like this one as much as the original, they do enjoy watching it and it's one that I'll sit down with and enjoy it myself.
bring more stockness to stock-car racing
Ha! I think I gifted him a bottle of KBS the last time he won COTD.
Heating oil is crazy expensive. Plus the price can sometimes triple in the Winter.
No pics, but my old coworker claimed his wife (in Florida, of course) was issued a non-custom plate that read: GR8-44D. She got lots of stares while on the road and lots of disappointed looks when she got out of the car and dudes saw that she wasn't buxom.
GMs are nice looking cars nowadays, but why would someone want to buy something you can most certainly (and often do) get as a rental car?
I tried to find a picture of a phone and a dildo, but no dice.
I tried to find a picture of a phone and a dildo, but no dice.
Why stop at the calipers? Why not paint the rotors too?
He's doing way more for the environment by keeping his 11-year-old Saturn on the road than he ever would by driving an automatic that gets slightly better estimated mileage than a manual.
And here I thought "drive it like you stole it" was just an expression. RIP, Chevelle SS.
$1,500 for someone else's donation? No thanks.
California allows lane-splitting.
...lane splitting is expressly legal in California, where I live, and in the rest of the world outside those 49 freedom-hating states.
Nailed it.