There's a scene from the movie, where Rebecca DeMornay's character refers to the car as Joel's father's "forty-thousand dollar sports car." So, I'd be paying a $15,000 premium when I could buy one that's in just as good of shape for less? Crack pipe.
So, what you're saying is, we're eating people?
For those of you curious as to the bridge's location, here's a map.
Last time I checked, 22 was more than 1.
Vector W8: If you're going to go down in a blaze of glory, may as well have a vehicle that will help you down that path.
There's not enough wall space in my house to get all the ones I want. Though if I had to limit myself to only one...
Your eyes, they might need to be checked.
Man, mine was way funnier before Nibbles ate that picture of Benny Hinn.
Wanna see me bump my followers with my lobed shaft?
They're moving to Beryllium only after all of the Unobtainium deposits run dry.
Ooohh, DB5...
While the diameter is huge, I don't think they're as long as they appear to be in your picture. Check out how short the rear overhang is.
First rule of Rally Club is: Do Not Lift
I've never driven one, so I can only comment on the styling, and the previous 6-series was so ugly it made me want to kick puppies. It was the worst of the Bangle designs. This one, while a little bulbous, at least doesn't turn my stomach.
Give Lucas some slack, he needs something to do other than Star Wars.
Constant logistics enable virulent emissions. Rather, germane idioms relate logically.
One of the drugs she was taking would be entirely unnecessary if she didn't have the implants.
Sounds like a truly epic adventure. Bravo!
No, Doc, you've got it all wrong. It's phat, with a P H. It means you like something, that you think it's groovy.