
That is awesome!


It depends on the size of the bird.

Shhhh! Nibbles will hear you.

At my gym there is an aerobics instructor who, well, let's just say that if you ever saw this woman outside of the gym you wouldn't guess that she is an aerobics instructor. She's pretty large and glancing in the room when she's teaching a class is a mind-boggling experience. I'm constantly thinking, "How does a woman

Caption the lead photo:

Hooper called, he wants his car back.

Well done! Let's celebrate over tequila shots.

Hey Infiniti! Wanna race?

I want to race this car just as it is. It'll be the only car on the track that's naked. It will have custom augmented reality sponsorship hologram "stickers" that you will see floating above it when you put on my special patented glasses. It will be glorious.

The sound of the starter motor is great:

My answer to this question is, and always will be, the 1957 Chevy Bel Air. I think this car is a classic beauty. While it may contain some outdated features like the tailfins, this car arguably wears them better than any of its contemporaries and still looks beautiful and amazing today.

Dat looks nice. I'll take twelve.


But...that car is red.

Let me think about this for a sec-, no!

I say we all pitch in what we can afford. Here's my contribution. I just snagged it from a homeless guy around the block. We need an F1 race more than he needs food.

Junior, stop playing in the dirt and get over here! It's time to go home.

I don't know what this button does, but I'm sure it's awesome! It should be standard equipment on all cars.