I guess the difference between these renderings and others we've seen is that these are not based on speculation by "experts" with no real knowledge on what the car looks like, but actual eye-witness descriptions.
I guess the difference between these renderings and others we've seen is that these are not based on speculation by "experts" with no real knowledge on what the car looks like, but actual eye-witness descriptions.
No, but the price does include a horrible 'shop into any photo of your choosing as in the above shot.
Yeah! If anyone's going to make the presenters look like idiots they'll do it themselves.
What a great story! I don't care that it's an ad for Chevy. Stories like that transcend marketing. The dad's reaction is priceless.
Let's see:
This would have me concerned if mine still worked.
I had hair and a bike just like that in 1982.
Pop Will Eat Itself, FTW!
"Ooh, look. Ay eight!"
That car is cake. The fact that it can flow away a 458 Italia is icing.
False alarm, people. NHTSA just realized they tested one with the external combustion 1.4L.
Looks like it can confidently take the Z on its own game.
Well color me disappointed. I'd marked my calendar for 2029. Now I'll never see the Ultimate Justice Baby.
Back in my day we could close our tailgates with our hands; we didn't need a 600cc motorcycle.
Thanks, Mike. I never thought I could want a 911 more than I did until I read your review and watched that video.