

(OK, enough fun with the short replies.) Mike, I think you hit the nail on the head. For all of their capabilities, the BMW and the TT are limited by their platforms. The BMW is a coupe. It's souped up like crazy, but in the end weighed down by its relation to the 3-series. The TT, being based originally on the

Gawker IT says, "Buy Lambo!"

My dogs like cheese.

Whose rash cream is this?

Less torques, more porks

Elf is losing lifeforce! Continue?

Porsche has three syllables

Is that SlidPissed?

"Now to get rich." or die tryin'.

That last one put an image in my head of a guy with a small sofa on his back, at 2 a.m., watching a train go by and entering a tunnel, walking down to his "home" and setting up that last item to make the whole thing complete. Then kicking back with a cigar, a good book, and going to sleep.

3rd: When asked for comment, a Nissan spokesperson replied, "We have no idea how this happened. We had no idea we were still making the Altima."

If she does fall on her face, she'll have two airbags to catch her.

His chin.

Our track tests are veiled comedy, your argument is invalid.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Jalopnik maths are much like Top Gear maths. Sometimes 30 = 42.

My normal gut-response is CP when I see an older car that's been customized almost into unrecognizability (is that a word? If not, it is today). But something about this car makes me want it. Maybe it's the way the roll bar happily commands attention despite being painted black? Or maybe it's the silver streaks

That's funny, I could have sworn I got the Red Bull X2011 Prototype when I updated to Spec 2.0

Look at the steering wheel. What make uses the single, large spoke?