
If we all drove these, this argument would be moot.

Candy corn with racing stripes?

I don't think I want that particular touch screen. Looks like someone kept the C&D logo up too long and now it's burned in.

I'm of average height and have narrow feet. All this time I had no idea Pantera's were made for me. NP!

Simply amazing. The skill and attention to detail needed to pull this off is mind-boggling.

Oh, great! Now everyone is going to have the same answer when the QOTD is "What's the best vehicle for the zombie apocalypse?".

Just remember: Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.

Wrecking your not like a boss.

R10: My parents had a Dakota. It was awful. It was falling apart on the inside from day one and could barely get out of its own way. If it weren't for the bed, it would have just been a useless lump of plastic, steel and rubber. On February 14, 2010, it decided to immolate itself. They'd just come back from the

It's the automotive m&m: luxury on the outside, rancid on the inside.

Well done, Redbadge! Just be sure to tell people you're not cheap, you're just early for your 1st anniversary.

Now that's efficiency. Here in the US that would have taken at least 51 minivans.

No, that's Spoon Club.

*Except rentals

First rule of Hoon Club is: Do not hoon other people's cars.

Paper hoon status: acquired.

Also, Charlize Theron.

Now playing

The remake of The Italian Job. They got people to pay $8 each to see their commercial.

So, Ford is still trying to use the GT to compete with Ferrari after all these years.

NPATW: Nice Price All The Way