Well said...and, well said.
Sorry folks, but I can't join in on this Panther-love circle jerk. It's a black taxi that was outdated at the time and a dinosaur now.
The hoonage is strong in this one.
Because Pepto Bismol
No, no, no, that's all wrong. Everyone knows Cadillacs are pink.
I always played in manual mode, but ignored the clutch. All my cars had DSGs.
While it featured generic vehicles (Ferrari rip-off, anyone?), Hard Drivin' was awesome-looking because it introduced 3D cars and environments. It was the first game I played in an arcade that had force feedback. I remember thinking, "Why is this steering wheel fighting me?!" the first time I played it.
Don't feel quite so bad about this one.
Ray, I'm happy to see you give MINI some love. However, I'd like to point out that Daddy's kids need not be amputees to use the back seat. You see, I have a 2005 R53 and my two girls use the back seat just fine. Yes, they're young (3 and 5), but all of their limbs are intact.
Here's the next generation.
Honda Accord Sedan V6: enough get-up-and-go, good mileage, reliable, invisible...and a couple of Jalop points because, though beige, it's not quite as beige as the Camry.
Town-chero >> Blackwood
Yeah, that was my answer. I had one myself.
I wasn't cool enough to have a Fox, that was for the spoiled rich kid two streets over. I had a Hornet and it kicked ass.
Here's his mugshot.
Do Lexus models come with flux capacitors?
Wow, editors, thank you. I requested an asshat parkers post this morning and got one. Wow, that's service!
#4 reminds me we need more shots of ____________ drivers parking like asshats.