I was also a Warren/Harris supporter. I would love it if Harris was the VP pick. But in the end, I’m voting for anyone who isn’t Trump, because that guy has gotta go.
I was also a Warren/Harris supporter. I would love it if Harris was the VP pick. But in the end, I’m voting for anyone who isn’t Trump, because that guy has gotta go.
His massive rally was about as white as a Trump rally. Problem is the Democrats are not as white as the Republicans, so its not a good thing.
I would just like to remind Sanders voters that in 2016 the Democrats put out the most liberal platform in decades to try to appease the Sanders voters, and we still lost.
His ceiling was always going to be 30 %
Yeah, the Bernie Bros sure stayed the fuck out of this article’s comment section. Can’t feel remorse if you never hear that you did wrong.
If you’re not a white maga you’re screwed in America. You’re the enemy. Keep that in mind now until the elections. Vote out Trump and the GOP. Your livelihood depends on it. No joke!
But Bernie didn’t get the nomination so I’m just going to sit this one out and let our civil rights get flushed down the drain!
If they got rid of all the brown people these retards would start eating each other right away.
Trunp didn’t create any of those positive stats. Trump has done nothing but drag out nation’s name through the mud and left brainwashed dopes like you in his wake. Now, the adults who know how to read and interpret reality are gonna make sure you MAGA scumbags are VERY uncomfortable. Are you white like me? You sound…
They can get the guy from Comedy Central, people on the street thought he was the real deal.
They don’t hold proper press briefing anymore so we’re left with little more than speculation. Then the right wing complains that we’re speculating. But that’s merely an affect of being lied to continuously for four years. What else can we do under these conditions?
That, and tax evasion....
“Sigh, such a dull boring Saturday. Perhaps I’ll go to Walter Reed and visit a troop.”
Michael Harriot once called Trump “a busted can of dough,” which is so perfect that I will take any opportunity to repeat it.
Trump was off to see the wizard and he still has no brains, heart or courage.
Try about 2.75 years of dereliction.
is it bad that I’m rooting for the blood clots?
that’s not how he prefers his steaks.
which is well done, soaked in ketchup.
I try to be a good human being...but fuck this fat piece of shit. I hope he dies slowly and painfully. Don’t give a shit if that makes me a bad person, I accept any criticism that comes along with that take. And that goes not just for him but for people like him as well, Bitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham and Mike…
He’s been looking even more bloated and sweaty than usual lately, and he’s been leaning heavily on the podium whenever he’s in public. He’s got coronary disease written all over him.