
His anus lips you mean

Perry: “I strongly suggest you make a call to the President of Ukraine and do some crimes”

That wall being control of the Senate, of course.

Perry must have quit without Trump’s blessing, and it wouldn’t surprise me if behind the scenes he might be positioning himself to be on the 2020 ticket if the shit goes south on Trump. So much like Pence earlier in the week, Trump is making sure he implicates Perry too. One thing I am entirely certain of is Trump

I seriously doubt Perry did anything other than his official duties in Ukraine.

This has got to be the best “the devil made me do it” line ever..

I suspect that once more of Trump’s Crimes are brought to light the GOP in the Senate will realize that baking him will lose them their next election bid.

Yes, because not only did he do the crime he admitted any random person can talk him into anything.

Perry? Rick Perry? Please, that dumbass can barely remember to breathe regularly! On a good day he remembers where he needs to be and at what time.

Comrade Trump got caught with his hand in the borscht jar and his only defense is to claim what he did was legal, Stay tuned

Poetic how it looks like a spincter

Wow! For a guy who realized he was in over his head, so he kinda remained invisible for the past couple of years, Rick getting fucked over now seems almost unfair. “Y’all look like y’all can handle it. I’m going downtown to look for young, male, prost... Uh... Um... Dinner. I’m going to dinner.”

He is dumb

Are his chapped lips flapping? That’s a tell. I have a picture of it, but I’ll spare you.

I’m sorry I murdered that guy but you see my friend Rick introduced us to each other so if you really think about it’s Ricks fault.  I never even KNEW that guy til Rick came around with his “introductions”. 

I said in another thread that I have a friend who owns a bus company.  I’m wondering if he’s looking for investors.

The buck stops

His tell that he’s lying is when he attempts to communicate.

I was about to note that "not a lot of people know this..." is a tell for one of his lies, but then realized that narrowing down his tells for a lie would be an impossible task.