
If a design results in a large number deaths and injuries due to misinformation or miscommunications that is in itself a design flaw... and this coming from me an designer/industrial designer. Yes accidents and missteps happen, but when they happen in unusually large percentages...something is up and we as designers

The problem wiht your argument in this case they weren’t trying to innovate at all. Physically, it looks like a typical automatic shifter that’s poking out from the center console. The shift pattern is the same. However, it didn’t act like every other automatic shifter on the market, and is therefore stupid. It’s like

I bet when this all shakes out, it develops that political news of all kinds, from all perspectives, was suppressed because Fuckbook wants more celebrity fluff and corporate branding in the “Trending” results, and fewer items that most Fbookers consider dull, which also have the potential to be divisive. Less

It’s an objectively stupid viewpoint. And your stupid examples are what’s called a straw man fallacy. Both boys and girls are just as likely to be “assaulted” in public bathrooms as they were before, which is pretty much nonexistent. No stupid law that exists just to ease homophobic insecurities is going to change

I feel like the Giz has an obligation to report on this.

Gee, I have always figured that what FB calls a “trending topic” is a post that they want me to read. Invariably, since I’m a stubborn old woman, I never read what FB wants me to read, and rarely do I read posted articles from “friends” on FB. FB is, to me, a social site for bonding with friends and family. If I want

Or, ya’know, maybe you’re just making excuses because you lack the ability to imagine what life might be for transgendered folks so you’re trying to cover your ignorance and hate with (what seems like, to you) logic.

The idea that conservative media doesn’t ‘trend’ on facebook is a joke. Every week i see about 20 hate filled articles from Fox or WSJ on there. Red state and Briebart are not news sources and they should never appear under ‘news’.

Florida Swamp Monsters Hate These Chickenshit Officers!

it was his work phone. He had the foresight to destroy his personal phones, seems to reason if he had anything sensitive on his work phone he would have destroyed it too.

wow.... please don’t put graphic violence in the comments thx

reading the comments in this post is great. bunch of motherfuckers complaining about their fear of their discretionary income plight.

You could do what I did and put money in the stock market last year using a wealth management company... and now have less money.

Life when so much simpler when you could just drain your blood from yourself, separate the red blood cells with a centrifuge, have your team carry it around in a cooler on dry ice while hiding it from officials, and then give yourself a transfusion of your own blood before a race.

Glitches in his programming. Future upgrades will make it even harder for him to fail the Turing test.

Holy crap thats the best!!! he drops his white phone and never notices.

Best part is when he drops his (white :) phone on the ground at 1:30, runs it over at 2:30, then starts searching his pockets and the car for it at 5:55.

Ridiculous! obviously he can back up just fine since he is going downhill in reverse. Why didn't he just backup onto the clear pavement beside him and go up from there? Trying to go uphill while trying to simultaneously go thru a snow bank on an icy slope will get you nowhere fast as we can see in the video.