
My sentiments exactly.

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

Netflix should text, "ARE YOU OK?" when we aren't watching Netflix. Because we probably aren't.

My alias is "Mrs. Daniel Craig."

People DONATED money for this goober to collect virtual skins?

I tried EVE several years ago and found it to be not what my co-worker described. All I was doing was mining. One good thing to come out of it is it found some bad patches on my RAM leading to BSOD, so I was thankful for that as I was having performance problems and hadn't been able to isolate it fully at the time.

On a funny side note, a couple of people I know watched the video posted and got really excited thinking it was a game like Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous and got into the idea of playing the game. I had to warn them that it was not in fact a space fighting game and was basically just a lot of micromanaging

I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.

I should be so lucky. Wait...what?

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

This is one of my pet peeves. Plain-clothes does not equal undercover. Believe it or not, driving around in a police car with full radio and lights might possibly blow your cover.

I find it interesting in a way, because I'm old enough to have been around when, like porn, video games went from public places to the comfort of home (I had an Atari 2600, and yes, I destroyed the power rod by doing the quick on/off thing, trying to get bastardized versions of the games to play), and have sat on the

So I've got an idea. What if someone who had a passion for this subject (fair wages and treatment) created an organization that "graded" game companies and publishers based on how they treated their employees (particularly the programmers and artists who pull 90 hour work weeks). It could be kind of like those "Fair

Thank you! I've been so amazed at HOW BAD NetFlix's website and apps are. They have the best catalog, but the website from before they started streaming was better at actually helping you find a movie you wanted to watch. Anything to make it better...

Are these all the things she said?

You collect data, then reach conclusions, not the other way around.

Information about cops being shot at, shot, injured, and killed already exists in several places, and is centralized by the FBI and multiple outside organizations. The data we're collecting is not tracked comprehensively by any government agency.

I didn't realize what simple pleasures lay in watching people catch buckets with their faces.

The guy with the fro who started off saying ASL encapsulates the parts I don't like about this campaign.