
I think if I told you not to make that joke again, it would be sage advice.

+1 Sploosh

I don’t actually have an opinion on any of this, I just wanted to congratulate myself for finding a post in the thicket of sponsored content.

Opening...the day anyone with a brain would have opened Solo.

Judging by my wife’s reaction to Mr. Momoa there, several movie theaters showing this movie might also be underwater. Bring a snorkel.

(and take your damn star)

It’ll be about their travels in thyme.

Star for the Lake House reference. Might as well throw a nod to Speed in there, too.

I just want a Bill and Ted themed and endorsed cooking show.

Keanu should just tell the producers of the John Wick movies “Sure I will do another installment IF you bankroll the Bill and Ted movie”

Bill S. Preston, Esq., and Ted “Theodore Logan

I kind of like the idea of a movie about Reeves and Winter having to time travel to save the movie rather than a Bill and Ted movie, as a throwback to the original. It could get all meta and and interweave scenes from the two movies, having them in the back ground of shots etc. Essentially having to save all the

Ahh, that would be Excellent! (to each other...)

If they ever get this made, they should do a making-of mockumentary where Reeves and Winter time travel to solve production problems.

His missteps have been caused by the lack of using great scripts. District 9 still holds up but everything after misfired because of the writing. His aesthetics are on point and his scope of vision for hard sci-fi is unique. This time the script is by the original Robocop writers which gives me hope and I can easily

That or get soaked in acid and driven through by a car... While apologizing for his performance in Elysium.... 

The reboot version looked like they were trying to imitate Iron Man. The original really conveyed a sense of a man lost inside a machine. When he moved, it always seemed to be with painful effort. 

I really prefer the more bulky look of the original RoboCop. He looks like a bruiser, a tank, a howitzer with legs. The most recent RoboCop lost something with the streamlining.

Sharlto would be perfect, however, as an ambitious, cocaine vacuuming OCP exec.