
I just saw it was a trending topic on Twitter. Like, 5 minutes ago. Is this some sort of Yuri On Ice style cultural moment?

Monster: Makes sense, seeing as we’re dealing with serial killers and messed up people.

“Darling in the FRANXX” just made me laugh so hard I thought I would die.

Hahaha. Oh man. Welcome to the new anime nightmare.

No way any of those are real.

No.  Freakin’.  Way.

Piggybacking Matt Gerardi here. The trend of Japanese media, whether games or shows, with absolutely inexplicable pseudo-English names is too much for me. I was a weeb in middle school, I’ve taken karate, I have Berserk tattoos, okay, I get it, I get Japanese pop culture. I can even kinda wrap my head around the fun

If I hadn’t discovered Primus as a youngster who wasn’t swayed by such nonsense, I never would’ve gotten into them.

I would love to see a Jeff bridges version now

For me it’s Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.

Stupid name aside, I really like that movie. Ben Kingsley and Morgan Freeman are clearly having a blast as rival gangsters, Lucy Liu is adorable, and they even figured out a good use for Josh Hartnett’s charming blankness. And Bruce Willis is . . . also there.
I admit it’s a little wonky, tone-wise, but the final act

Does no one remember the feature film that preceded the show by like, five years or so?

All I remember about it is Josh Hartnett and Lucy Lui being adorable, which honestly is enough to sell a movie for me.

Finally, an album for my boyfriend’s nine-year-old son who is morbidly obsessed with shipwrecks!

My friends in college made unending mockery of my love of that show and when they got into it years later, I made them buy me drinks by threatening spoiler . . . it’s the long con that counts. 

Close but it was actually supposed to be 14 covers of Gordon Lightfoot’s The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, each stylized in a different genre. 

- Didn’t know it was based on a game

Lucky Number Slevin is kinda weird for me - its not an especially good movie, but it’s almost like someone took the movie it was supposed to be and knocked it off its axis. The first half plays like an homage to “The Freshman,” with the regular-guy-mixed-up-with-mobsters shtick, and then a rather jarring tonal shift

That band who spells their name “!!!” I saw them at a festival once and thought they were pretty fun. But I’ll be damned if a name like that makes it into my iTunes. I already get a brain aneurysm every time I scroll down past that 3rd Bon Iver album and see its song titles like “<+[]_β υ τ τ $_0_o>”

If it helps, it was originally going to be an album of songs about people dying on sinking boats.  Like, each individual song would be about a different group of people dying on different sinking boats.  You wish I was joking.
