I don’t think any partner would enjoy being married to someone whose response to every issue was divorce.
I don’t think any partner would enjoy being married to someone whose response to every issue was divorce.
Not the original source of those posts Julie, but I think both you and the posters who are saying, “you aren’t married, are you?” to CPM have a point. It is perfectly valid to dump a spouse if you aren’t happy. It is also perfectly valid to love someone, warts and all, and want to stay with them, even if they are a…
Okay, but do you have KIDS? You don’t go leaving your partner for every fall-from-perfection, because you are an adult. And when you become a parent, multiply that by 10. And don’t try to argue extreme-toxic to try and make a point, because this couple is not extreme-toxic, making that line of reasoning null-and-void.
Having read your various blogs, including why a fictional cartoon character should leave her fictional cartoon husband who was written poorly to move the plot in a particular direction, I feel a lack of enjoyment would be mutual by both parties.
Honest question here, but isn’t Elastigirl’s constant questioning and doubting of Mr. Incredible’s ability to care for his family just as belittling? I’m getting tired of the pervasive “fathers are incompetent at caring for children” trope. True story here, and perhaps the source of my bitterness, but when my son was…
You’ve never been in an adult relationship, have you?
I didn’t feel that he was digging at her but having issues with how he viewed himself. I didn’t think he was undermining her and I am quick to jump on that kind of thing. It seemed to be more of “but that’s what I do”. He didn’t know how to handle himself but I didn’t see him doubting her. He did what he could to make…
Ok, what ‘scenes’ was Bob ‘continually’ doing that? You can’t tell me just one, or that tells me you don’t know what continually means.
Come on, man, if you really feel like their relationship is toxic based on so very little, you have insecurity deeper than the Merianas Trench. Adults hae flaws and things they work through. They make mistakes and have to change. Many of us understand that. Mr I learned to be better and clearly wasn’t proud of…
Is it continuous though? Like, their entire marriage? Or is it due to major stresses of life changes, which cause spouses to debt themselves and their partners and maybe even the marriage? I’m thinking it’s the latter.
All right. I was sitting happily in the nuetal ground here, enjoying the interesting points CPM raised, until you took his some hit/some miss points and push them into the realm of hyperbole.
I don’t think we have seen the same movie.
Only he doesn’t, he comes around, and supports her, and that’s how real marriages work. They aren’t instant nirvana where you two share a mind and everyone willingly switches roles without any resentment. Because it’s 2 people married, not 2 clones. They literally work things out by the end of the movie, and Charles…
Good grief. Each time Mr. I said something stupid, he looked at his wife’s face and immediately realized he was stupid. His wife didn’t confront him because she didn’t need to. Mr. I manned-up and did his very best to take care of the family—and he did a pretty damn good job.
So you felt it was cool the way that Helen Belittled Bobs ability to be a parent?
Like how Helen immediately freaked out and said she should never have left Bob alone with the kids because he wouldn’t be able to handle it? This goes both ways man, which is what I think you failed to notice in the movie.
Yeah, you’re not married, and if you’re that easily offended you never will be.
Continually, yes, but that isn’t what happens. He isn’t continually dragging her.
I’d take issue with “continually” though. I read it as a period of weakness and jealousy that he ultimately overcame. It’s not easy to go from provider to unemployed. Although I agree that the movie should have had her call him out on it more forcefully.
Hey, so another thought: if your partner took all of a day doing that before turning right around and work their ass off taking up the slack behind the scenes to support you while you went off doing your thang, would you still ditch them?