“You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn’t even notice.”
“You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn’t even notice.”
Doesn’t matter to me.
“No. Sorry. I no longer care about the well-being of someone who was a violent sex offender.”
Look, man - I’m right there with you. But you have to recognize that this is the gut reaction, and the easy way out.
Not all the stories are like this one, but FUCK! This guy was institutionalized at age five. That’s…
I finally got around to watching Banshee and about three episodes end it hit me: “Oh, Cinemax has upped its porn game.”
So this option might be effective and reduce odds of recommitting; but do you want to play odds with your kids? Your spouse? Yourself?
I’ve been saying this for years. In fact there is a tire shop near where I live that only hires ex-cons right out of prison. Some of the hardest workers you will EVER have says the owner. Society acts as though people do crime for sport and not necessity. If an ex-con can’t gain lawful employment that is enough to put…
It seems our society, in the USA, is more concerned with PUNISHING a wrong-doer, rather than rehabilitating a person. Ex-cons frequently can’t find jobs. Even when the economy is good. Back in the day they used to say that after one ‘paid one’s debt to society’ one started with a clean slate. That has never been true.
Sadly this will never happen unless Marvel cuts a deal with Fox for Galactus and Silver Surfer like they did with Sony for Spiderman.
And it should come after a scene where Thanos tries to talk down to Cap, like he did to Ronan, but instead of backing down, Cap steps right up to him.
This face for this description:
As far as movies referencing TV shows, it’s worth bearing in mind (both for Marvel and DC) that while TV shows tend to progress at a real-life pace, so that each season premiere is roughly a year apart in-universe as well as in terms of release dates (to make life easier), that isn’t necessarily the case with movies.…
Doesn’t Cap punch him right in the face after this scene as well? Completely innefective... but awesome none the less.
You left out the best part! Even after the Surfer misses, Cap still punches Thanos in the face. That’s sand.
And hopefully they change the first line. A Brooklyn boy should have quoted Yogi Berra (R.I.P.): “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”
I for sure thought Age of Ultron would have Thor uttering “Ultron, we would have words with thee” and that whole general scene (minus Black Panther, Justice, and Firestar). No luck. :(
They’d also be incredibly foolish NOT to have a scene where Cap lifts Thor’s hammer finally.
Where is my scene where Batman and Superman square off in a steam room wearing nothing?!?!
Oh, Gotham - you so clever. Jerome, Joker, Jeroker!
That was what was unique about him in the comics was not that he was the only superhero in the world; it’s that he was a totally different kind of superhero when compared against all the other ones in the Marvel universe at the time.
I'll defend the first ST film to my dying days, but Into Darkness deserved ALL the maligns.