
Yes, this. Especially, uh... what was that thing he said was also working on? Oh, right. The Dark Tower.

I hate how spot-on that casting is. (And am grateful they didn’t go with that)

I mean, that’s basically what the whole “Exorcism of (Insert Name Here)” subgenre has been doing.

Mike, buddy, as a big fan of yours? I must tell you this choice is a mistake.

Exactly! And what frustrates me about all of this is that with our advances in technology, you would think the standards for excellent cinematography would be easier to achieve, not apparently forgotten by the majority.

I am. I thought Glass Onion was a lot of fun, and am kind of bewildered at the negative responses to it.

Welp, my old ass is out-of-touch with today’s crop of stars: I have absolutely zero idea who these three people are.

Came here to say exactly this. They are, without a doubt, the absolute ugliest-looking vehicle I have ever seen.

Gosh dang it, Kinja!

Ok, here’s the rant again, but WITH pictures (hopefully):

See, I don’t buy this argument at all, that it’s all the streamers’ fault, messing with what was fundamentally good cinematography. Because you know what movies I never complain about being too dark when watching on Netflix or Max or whatever streaming device I’m using? MOVIES THAT EXISTED BEFORE STREAMING WAS EVEN A

Well said. I absolutely loathe this typical go-to fan theory. It’s just a slightly dressed up version of “It was all just a dream” and screw that noise.

I rather enjoyed Chris Hemsworth as Odie, though.

I think the article meant to say “Vampira” instead of “Vampirella”? Not that a lot of hetero males/lesbian females wouldn’t mind seeing Lily Munster in Vampirella’s usual stripper-ific attire...

THANK YOU. I thought I was being gaslit, or Mandela Effected, or whatever appropriate name explains my feelings of “This doesn’t match with the information I thought was correct...”

Ha! When when you put it like that, it’s clear that (1) I really should see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and (2) Legend of Zelda is at the very least in his wheelhouse.

As always, you raise a very good point. I guess that’s just it: I’m worried about the system that produces huge IP movies now being able to deliver the LoZ movie I hold yearn for in my heart.

Sounds good, sounds good. My google email is:

Than I edited season 1 into a 4 movies an found it more fun.

Well, considering the first season was 90% “You’re never going to guess what some of these big reveals are!”, only to be precisely the first theory anyone with a passing familiarity of the source material would come up with, I think you’re probably good. At best, you might just need to rewatch the final episode (which

Yeah, this is my thought, too. I’d be willing to bet there are a lot of shows that would envy having as many as 37% of their audience actually stick with it to the end.