
The username/comment synergy is on point. I literally said “Ugh.” when I saw that my Batman-sippin’-coffee pic was now just pixels.

Well, they didn’t nominate him for Pig previously, and that was probably the best movie/performance of his distinguished career, so chock it up to another rock on the “Oscars don’t know shit” pile.

I was wondering the same damn thing. I feel naked without my profile pic of Batman from How It Should Have Ended sipping a cup of joe.

I would actually agree with you. For a down and dirty action film, it was insanely pretty and constantly had excellent arrangement of flawless shot setups. I guess it was hampered by (1) being released two early in the year to get remembered later on and (2) being an action film, which hurt its chances to be

Yeah, this is where I think all the buzz that Shyamalan-style “twist” movies get has ruined word of mouth for movies in general: People wanting to maximum the impact of any twist a movie has has led them to start treating what is really just basic story exposition as “spoilers” because they want to be as shocked by

Yeah, the idea that trailers giving away the plot is only a recent thing is a bizarre bit of nostalgia-bating. I remember people back in the 90s saying, basically word for word, “Why do trailers always give away all the good stuff and the full plot these days?” Just like kids not realizing their parents told the exact

This looks delightful. And if it’s even half as fun as Ready Or Not, it’s gonna be a classic.

You would lose that bet.

The Black Sabbath “Iron Man” song has nothing to do with the Marvel character, in spite of it being used for the movie later on. It’s instead about a time traveler who goes back in time to warn people about the destructive figure who will kill them all in the future, only to find himself turned to steel due to the

I mean, he did direct The Spirit, but at the same time, that movie sucked, so it’s only natural to scoff at any implication that he’s a serious filmmaker.

Something something “more people involved means a need for longer time” or some bullcrap like that.

It felt like in the 20 years between RoP and LotR they’d forgotten everything about how to shoot dark scenes.

This argument holds no water because the original Lord of the Rings trilogy wasn’t filmed with streaming in mind, either (since, you know, that wasn’t really a thing yet), but you can still see what’s going on in its night scenes.

Wow. You would think those would be some important details to include here.

Meanwhile, at a meeting between Paramount and Spyglass executives, this declaration was heard:

No mention of the “dragon’s breath” shotgun shells scene in John Wick 4? That scene had me giggling like a school boy.

Heh. It sounds to me like you hate Resurrection for pretty much the exact reasons I hate AvP (minus the part about the subtext not making a bad movie good, since as far as I can tell, AvP has zero subtext of any kind, which is partly what makes me hate it even more).

This sounds awesome. I’m gonna go out of my to get this now. Thanks for the rec!

Yeah, you’re not the first person to say so about the first one, and almost certainly won’t be the last, but I unfortunately am just immune to any of its charms. Maybe it’s just that one lady’s stupid spiky haircut, but the whole movie just feels too SpikeTV for me, and while I can enjoy that with certain stories or

Hey, I’m in the same boat you are! I kinda think all of the ALIEN movies have something to offer (provided they’re not any of the AvP movies, which could have been good, but sucked).