
That Wonka movie looks so terrible, you guys.

Ugh. Why!? The original is better as a self-contained thing! (flips table)

I think it’s absolutely worth it. Adds all sorts of little character details and moments, but without compromising the pace, I feel.

Really, it’s like the difference between eating a steak and downing a bag of potato chips: sure, that calorie intake may be the same, but the dining experience that leads to the consumption of either is very different.

Since no one else seems keen on giving you a straight answer (or, at least, not a thorough one), I’ll chime in.

Drat. Thanks for the information, though. I appreciate keeping my eyes opened. Ignorance may be bliss, but it’s a fragile bliss, really.

Dang. Well, it was fun believing it would make a difference while it lasted.

No, you’re right. I’m not much of a software engineer by any stretch. Figures that this would-be roadblock is easily sidestepped. Drat.

You know, I was in total agreement with your first two paragraphs. But then I read the rest of your post, and... Yeesh.

Right. Most amount of installments? No, he’s in third place there, two behind Connery and Moore’s tie at seven installments (Moore wins if you discount the unofficial Never Say Never Again).

Man, anyone else remember when tie-in hotlines were all the rage? Like when the whole reason that the Joker followed through on killing off Jason Todd was due to that being the result of a hotline vote? Or there was a hotline number you could call to play an X-Men themed roleplaying game?

As someone who can’t stand A.I. art and is generally suspicious of the lid being lifted off of the A.I. Pandora’s Box in general, this is delightful news.

I don’t know that I actually want him to be Wolverine, for real for real (I just don’t buy him having that level of ferocity, sorry)...

i just hate how flat everything looks.

I think he’s bang on the money when it comes to superhero stories not feeling relatable anymore. And I think the biggest reason why they’re less relatable is that (1) none of the stuff we’re getting anymore feels like it’s got a clear, self-contained story hook that grabs you into wanting to know how the story ends,

I cosign this petition!

Oh, yeah, that’s true. I forgot about that. That was the primary reason why he didn’t return for the first sequel, if I recall correctly (I guess they must have sorted something out enough for him to return for the third film).

Beautiful. Perfect!

Oh, I figured that if his estate hadn’t signed off on it, it wouldn’t have happened. That may not always be true of more obscure performers, but Williams is well-known and beloved enough that Disney would be fools to not try to avoid the blowback if they didn’t cross every “t” and dot every “i.”

Well, no comment from him on missing that old ticking projector noise, but complained about the state of modern cinema, Coppola has: