
Eh, John Carpenter says a lot of things if there’s money in it for him. It’s one of the reasons why I love the guy so much: he doesn’t even pretend to have a front.

And honestly, it’s better that way. Some mysteries should remain mysterious forever.

Yep. Even if neither of them is a Thing, it’s not like they have a shelter to mull it over and survive the day, so most likely, their suspicion will just keep them in place and they’ll freeze to death.

EXACTLY. And that’s why the ambiguity of the ending as is rules so much. Leaves room for several possibilities that are completely consistent with what has been shown. (good job finding a more concise way to put that, by the way. I was trying to say something similar in my original comment, but sometimes I struggle

Good advice! Appreciate the comment. I was definitely feeling low the day I made my original. So, thanks. :)

Ooooh, that’s a really good suggestion. Thanks.

I thought he was great in Bodies Bodies Bodies, too.

For the record, I’m a fan of the theory that might honestly be the darkest, which is that both of them are completely human... but because of the reasonable paranoia of what they just went through, they’ll never, ever know that, and so they’ll just freeze to death.

The beauty of this open-ended finale is that it feels like the perfect setup for literally every possible scenario regarding whether one, both, or neither are “things” right then.

Yeesh. Someone’s a bit touchy...

Good point!

Okay, so as a... shall we say, plus-sized man, only 2 out of 70 listed costumes are ones that I would not look stupid in.

Unless the intention of an update is to make the Rocketeer’s girlfriend be pretty much literally Bettie Page like it is in the comics, I don’t think there’s much point.

Reviewers get advance copies, though.

This comment deserves WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY more stars.

Now there are three of us!

I will also join in on complaining about What If...? I found its animation lazy, and its writing even lazier. “Oh, hey, let’s just skip over why Doctor Strange, an avowed skeptic, would still study with wizards after a completely different tragedy happened” is one example. “Let’s just remake Captain America: The First

(Seriously, the false expectations I gleaned from sitcoms have probably ruined my social life more than any other factor)

I mean, to be fair, gambling is illegal in Utah, but overall, fair point. (And now excuse me, I need to take a shower after giving these ghouls any sort of credit)

Finally re-read it with my reading comprehension goggles and I get it now. Wow, I feel dumb for not registering the joke on the first read. (Thank you, by the way)