
Even A Boy And His Dog invokes it, and that’s almost 50 years old.

To be fair, Monster was really good.

Hey, screw you, pal! ;)

Honestly, I’d give it another shot. I also took it for granted at the time, not thinking much of it (hell, I even liked I Know What You Did Last Summer more, so that really tells you how little credit I gave it).

I know it’s a cheesy 90's movie where half the cast doesn’t even use the proper accent, but I will always be reminded of a quote in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: “One man, defending his home, is worth ten hired soldiers. Crusades taught me that.”

Thank you. It’s always refreshing to have an agreeable exchange with a fellow commentator. I appreciate you responding, good sir.

Yeah, but I can both recognize that’s how the wind is blowing and still express dissatisfaction that it’s blowing in that direction.

Ooh, thanks! I have a lot of hunting to do now. Can’t wait.

I’m okay with either the current headline with an actually-official imgae from the new film, OR the current image with a headline that conveys the official image is forthcoming.

I hate to say it because I still love this site, but based off of how much care they’ve been putting into things lately? No, I doubt they’ll swap that image out. I hope I’m wrong.

Generally, I’ve found that the biggest ingredient a compliment needs to feel sincere is specificity. The more specific the compliment, the more it shows you’ve thought about the individual quality that you’re complimenting in that person, in particular.

That’s not the actual look from this movie. We won’t see that until Monday. The image in the header is from the video game, Injustice 2. Why this article was using that image with THAT headline is beyond me...

Yeah, this article feels like it was intentionally trying to mislead readers. I didn’t realize I was reading Comic Book Resource all of a sudden.

I thought that image looked pretty damn familiar. What the hell, io9?

Hey, someone did post what all those tidbits were!

Oh, man. My entire video game experience from when I was 4-7 felt like it was mostly just staring at Nintendo Power and imagining what the games probably looked like in action. Sparked my imagination in a very distinct way.

You know, that sounds about right. This movie is just brimming with implicit symbolism and heady ideas. Any chance you could link to some of your favorite analyses you’ve found?

I am definitely one who thinks ALIEN: Resurrection being a shaggy dog lends some extra charm to an uneven movie. It’s so grotesque and weird, and because it seems to be grappling with whether “grotesques” deserve to live and flourish, the movie itself being grotesque feels very appropriate.

I don’t know that it’s actually going to, but even if the movie’s bad I’ll think it’s worth it if the way the crew stumbles upon the aliens is a subtle follow-up on ALIEN: Covenant’s ending.

Yeah, every piece of info you gleaned that way felt like a prize, didn’t it? Like you’d earned your stripes. And the best part was, usually all you’d get was just a little nugget of information, really, and then your imagination would do the rest.