
Huh. I didn’t know that. That makes a lot of sense, actually.

Yes, I did mean that. Alas, I only learned that “Asimov Cascade” is a term that Rick & Morty made up after the 15 minute edit limit had passed.

As someone with ADHD, having an AI write half of my screenplay for me actually sounds sublime. Because then the most arduous part of screenwriting for me (actually committing thoughts to page) is over, and I can do what I’d rather be doing, which is just endlessly tweak the ideas until I’m finally satisfied (which

I rather liked the Kiera Knightley-starring Pride & Prejudice, but yeah, I see your point.

This is precisely why my ideal Flash movie would be a Guy Ritchie-in-his-early-career-esque hyperlink story where you have MULTIPLE villains all trying their sleezy schemes at exactly the same time... which means the only person who could handle all of these chuckleheads simultaneously is The Fastest Man Alive.

Hell, even just cauliflower heavily roasted with butter and salt is pretty damn tasty, too.

I mean, you’re not wrong about the original film, but at the same time, this would be a completely different production crew, complete with different strengths and failings. Maybe the comedy would work better here than the seriousness. Who knows?

That phase still had a big, splashy Avengers movie as its second-to-last entry, though.

My guess is that instead of it trying to be a straight (and therefore watered-down) remake, it would try to be a knowingly ironic riff on the original’s concept.

Yeah, but Phase 1 had, what, only 7 movies/14 hours-worth of content to consume?

Oh, yeah, I guess it is true that the serial is actually a fairly ancient concept by this point.

Well, can’t fully complain about that, seeing as Wong rules.

Hey, that’s a good point! There’s a lot of individuality with how people use words, too, so it’s not like you need feel boxed in by writing an educated character... varied erudites might have differing inclinations for sobriquet.

Well, if it was intentional, then I feel like it fell into the “okay, I know you purposefully made this character annoying, but the result now is that I’m so annoyed by them that I don’t really want to watch your movie anymore” conundrum.

I realize I didn’t properly explain what I had in mind.

Yeah, it’s funny how people equate the archaicness of the language Shakespeare used with him always being highbrow. I like the Marvel comp. The one I’d always used was Snoop Dogg: people reacted to Shakespeare making up words like “eyeball” just like we reacted to Snoop’s phrase “fo’ shizzle.

I’m pretty sure that if any movie/television/entertainment studio has plenty of that, it would be Marvel, subsidiary of Disney.

It’s kind of amazing how often function follows the form that’s following another function, isn’t it? TV shows used to air once a week because that’s all that media technology could manage at first: there were no video tape recorders, much less streaming devices.

I will never understand why they didn’t tap him to make a crap-ton of cameos across the MCU between Loki and this movie.

Yeah, that was pretty much my take, as well.