
Oh, man. You and me BOTH, my friend.

Boom. I think you hit the nail right on the head. That is exactly how I imagined their dynamic has always been.

Hmm. On one hand I can see what you mean, but on the other, I don’t know that I’d call the mind behind Community “too conventional.”

This is a good point! Though, if I recall correctly, I think it was a woman on Community, not R&M? I’m pretty sure that played a part in his leaving the show for a season or so.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong, it would be a refreshing twist for it to turn out that this was all a big misunderstanding, the dust settles and he gets his job back, James Gunn-style.

100% agreed. There’s plenty of other great content to move on to, and it’s not like the great episodes that already exist will just magically vanish.

Honestly, I feel like Dan Harmon was always the secret (szechuan) sauce for what made the show great, so this is probably the best choice considering the circumstances.

Today I learned that there was a remake of All’s Quiet On the Western Front. Huh.

Eh, I don’t know, I think if any movie’s gonna steal the award, I’d bet on Elvis.

Yeah, it’s a shame that so many people can be snide when it comes to discussing films they liked with people who didn’t feel the same way. It’s not worth getting bent out of shape over.

This is a great interview. Al seems like a down-to-earth guy, and Josh Bernstein seems like a great bloke, too. And the question’s you asked, Germain? *chef’s kiss*

Cool. Will do. Thanks!

Happy to serve! (Salutes cheerfully and flies off)

Ohhhhh, shit. Wow. Now that you mention it, that would be an ideal pairing! Agreed on all marks.

Ironically, that one time that Gunn and Snyder worked together on a movie (also a zombie movie!), it turned out alright.

The general public stopped “watching the watchmen,” I guess.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is a class act. I do wonder what happened behind the scenes that she isn’t willing to open up about, but I absolutely respect her resolve to not relive all of that, especially publicly.

Now playing

So they’ll make the wife the ghost? Is that the shake up? I feel like that’s the shake up.

Oh, sure. Vin Diesel may look at James Cameron as a luminary in the cinema field... but is he “fambly”?

Do tell. We’ve got an Oculus, but no games for it. Recommendations would be appreciated.