
Same here. And I’m a pretty active music listener. But when there’s just so much music to explore... yeah, I stopped keeping track of “popular” music the second centralized things like the radio went on the back-burner, culturally.

Ha! I did the exact same thing! I just couldn’t think of anybody.

Yeah, I can’t put a finger on why, exactly, but his voice here seemed to fit the character as animated better than last trailer.

I cannot disagree there.

The only good argument that I’ve heard on the subject came from my wife, who pointed out that kids being scared of clowns and dolls nowadays is pretty much directly because they’re more likely to be seen now as “subverted” horror villains than they are to be played straight and innocent like they used to be; she sees

Well, (winks) for legal reasons (wink) I must staunchly say (wink winks) that... no. No, I have not had such relatable thoughts. Nope. Not me. I feel nothing but shitma— err, Christmas spirit in my bones at all times... (wink wink wink)

I mean, unlike Winnie the Pooh and Bambi, at least “is angry at people being happy, enough to ruin their Christmas through shady, illegal means” is actually part of the character?

Apparently, this one’s trying to get away with it by being a “parody.” Nowhere is the word “grinch” actually being used; he’s credited simply as “the Mean One.” Also, the protagonist is Cindy You-Know-Who, living in the city of Newville. And so on.

Oh, hey. I also live in Utah. And yeah, the Christmas tree market here leaves a lot to be desired.

This. This article.

Gizmodo: I’m glad that you bring up playlists. When I go to a given playlist, the common thread is this combination of lyrics and themes and timbre. But when I was putting it together, none of those higher-level, more cerebral decision-making processes were clear to me.

The only other thing I can think of that approaches its dynamic is Suspiria, both the original and the remake.

I don’t if I’m just paranoid after the last 6+ years of politics, but with all the corporate power she’s shown a willingness to wield, would you be surprised to see Swift vie for the presidency several decades from now?

Well, of the various problems Lovecraft Country developed over its breakneck first season, “bad directing” was absolutely not one of them. “Over-cluttered writing,” on the other hand...

Something I did to keep myself honest was to set the screen password as some obscure thing I couldn’t remember... and then write it down in a note app that was only available during my unlocked times.

Precisely. Now while you and I both know that, I’m kinda worried that the man who willingly starred in the Wicker Man remake might not.

That sounds like such a Nicolas Cage thing to do.

Just wanna jump in and say that I’m on your side. People who claim Phase 4 is just a return to the table-setting of Phase 1 are overlooking that the earlier phases had a sense of clarity and focus that has been sorely lacking since Endgame.

Or establish that he was locked up during the time this would have supposedly happened? I dunno, I’m sure there’s ways it can be contradicted that can only happen due to forgetting about this easter egg altogether.

Well, yeah, being unoriginal kinda goes hand-in-hand with being most the common.