
Belgium sent just six fighter jets and 155 people to Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq

Who would ever use an emoticon in such a message?!?

As mentioned before, chairlift and plane was not the question.

There was no talk of the plane hitting the chair lift cable. The concerns were about the camera cable hitting the chair lift cable.

Ah, remember those times nearly 30 years ago on the fairgrounds...That is/was a great ride. Ultimate thrill keep standing in the middle and avoid being overthrown and counter the spinning.

...this is the first licensed theme from Playmobil?

Dear bSorensen,

How many of Uber’s workforce are affecteed by this ban? Would be interesting if all those cabbies and Ubers would go on a short trip abroad, would be refused entry, and no more cabs around... Great!

Looks like Trump is going to install a kind of nepotism regime as it is present in all the former soviet republics...

SImply, the car in front, which his the SUV wasn’t keeping a proper distance. That’s all. So reaction time plus breaking time, was not enough to stop. This is the cause of most accidents when getting a hit in the back.

I am happy to read an article on this website that exactly reflects my opinion on the condition of those cars when VAG buys them back.

If you call this shit, what do you call what e.g. GM and Takata did which caused acutally deaths?

You like this sentence, don’t you? May be they should have had better lawyers, oh wait, VAG should sue those lawyer that drafted this sentence.

Did I say I am fine with what VAG did? No.

A willful demolishing of the vehicle, as it is documented here, shall be excluded. He should be f****d by VAG seriously. This is no spirit, he’s an idiot trying to prove that he’ so smart.

92% makes a pretty good shot...

Counterfeit Bath Lotion? WTF? Wasn’t the lotion the lotion it always was?

How do these cars recognize the paintings on the road? The “Keep Clear” message. Is it actuall interpreting what is writtn there?

Truly dicksih, like the guys on the snowy road and the Comcast truck.

May be there was a nipple in the video...