Because they are “All-Weather”, if you get the sunshine edition, they are probably down at 40$ ...
Because they are “All-Weather”, if you get the sunshine edition, they are probably down at 40$ ...
hm, is this really in the US? Aren’t there some 0s missing?
However Neuer somehow started it with passing the ball out a blink too early just before the 1:0
The TGV record is respectable, however everything that was part of the try you could just throw away afterwards, except the rails.
a bit waterskiing...
How far out on the Atlantic ocean is this barge sitting?
Four for Vettel as a RB driver and four for the constructor?
very nice piece of road! But it looks like there is some militatry installation on the peak.
Those are in now ways Chinese waters. Extending the Chinese border throught the entire South China sea up to two miles toward Malaysia/Brunei is just insane. Of course they are the biggest power over there and as such threatening everybody around.
Abu Dhabi Police Livery is much better, metallic dark red, instead of a dull green...
Also with every center console auto you pull back and shift it to D and forward into R... essentially the same
hm, do you get your luggage on the belt...
I really like those early X-planes. Back in that time, they just build a plane for the sake of building and testing it. Today so much work is going on inside main-frames and thus less concepts see and feel real air, what a pity :-( of course this saves lifes but we also get to see less strange planes...
What about the Strato Launch System Carrier plane under construction?
What makes me wonder is this ultra-dependency on this SSN? Why is everything dependant on it? It's just a bunch of digits a lot of people will come to know earlier or later. Like somebody wrote, banks, doctors and whatever bunch of people.
Two interesting things. a) for some times this is one of the most clogged streches fo Autobahn, so it is good to have "traffic Jam assistant" who gets you slowly forward. And b) it has an unlimited speed-limit just outside Munich.