
Why he doesn't simply cut a "U" infto the AT-AT's body to get a seat?

The Hasselblad images look so much better...

I like it how Singapore does its city planning. They have defined view corridors that go along certain axis of the city. Their URA is doing a nice job in planning the city in this way.

Biggest machine?!? Pretty small IMHO

The probably run on XP embedded which has still support till end of 2016. Not too far in the future anyway...

Afterburner kicked in...

You can title the video also "guide to eastern European swearing"...

On one had he's pathetic without any remorse. On the other hand the chemical company was an asshole themselves. How can they just get rid of this stuff with that "ease". And this stupid guy sprays it over his land?!? Something a chemical weapons producer wanted to get rid off.

Hm, I have an amusing one too:

What horrible furniture... that's nukeing your eyes...

The US and the Russians (USSR) would only be that far if they did not make a bunch of former Nazis work for them

now imagine, your boss coming up saying... congratulations, you have just been tasked to polish 42.300 steel balls... and I do not want to see a fingerprint

...that it might be an outdated reference... just saying

point 2 noted...

I know what "The Turk" is, coming from the country where it was first demonstrated. My point goes in that direction that the service is somehow aimed at repetitive work, which yes, at the moment, machines cannot perform. It is certainly an interesting reference, but wouldn't there be an outrage if the service would be

first time I have heard of this Amazon Mechanical Turk. This, hm, well, how to put it? Does not sound very politically correct (to me), does it?

The tiny blob should be the freshwater. if you look at the previous post on this topic , there's a picture with this small dot as well

I would like to see it going past the airlock!

Using a gadget, yes, definitely!