
On one had he's pathetic without any remorse. On the other hand the chemical company was an asshole themselves. How can they just get rid of this stuff with that "ease". And this stupid guy sprays it over his land?!? Something a chemical weapons producer wanted to get rid off.

Hm, I have an amusing one too:

Easy way in: Just make a reservation for breakfast, much less than 150 USD and you get good food plus nice views

Best shawarma place in Dubai, just a fex pixels outside this picture!

The fine was for the dounut or for not putting the car back into the parc fermé. And if the car is not in parc fermé can it legally be weighed/measured?

deleted posted at wrong palce... how can I delete a post?!

That stopping just around the corner is not that perfect, but giving him a ride is perfectly ok. But going a 100 on this car is ...woha

exactly my thought... honestly expected it to be the first comment

No helmet? because of...Russia?The ultimate thing would be if she would have opened an umbrella...

Meh, does not work, everybody wants to go first...

That one has been closed up again, anybody knows why?

For the ASFINAG (Aurtian Highway Operator) it does not matter which plates. You need to pay. The claim to have video surveillance also, however to actually get a ticket they mostly stop you.

it is definitely not a new thing but I had to look up Wikipedia as well and it is in place since 1997. See the German Wiki for all the beautiful colors they had.

Well, with 120 EUR you are still off good. I was the opinion my fellow countrymen charge you more.

What about the driver for the machine below the shuttle ,-)

No wired access? May be he lived so close to town that the DSL got enough throughput to watch those eh, videos

yep, the further you go out of the cities to the country side the higher the walls get. Ours (in Islamabad) was barely 2 meters. Don't forget you also need to protect the female family members from on-lookers...

Those compounds all look the same. High walls, not able to peek inside. His hide-out was no special place

May I correct you sir, it is just 306k USD (1.130.000 AED) based on today's rate.