
May I correct you: It should not read as "who ever did something in technology", that is irrelevant, more like "who ever provides a major service (email, social, etc.) to a big number of people"

I agree, it does not look that fast either, probably well below 80 kph upon the first impact...

Why do you taken into account the "complete" highway system. Worse come to Worst you need to build just a section for the video whereas if you wan to make a video in weightlessness you need to send something into space "as it is" or do it in a Zero-G plane. But the plane would not provide you the backdrop.

tax break, can you please spell this for me...

Coorporations also take advantage of the infrastructure the state provides. Roads, sewerage etc. Taking is always easier than giving.

Of course he needs to be able to stop, WTF? The opposite direction is coming to a halt, it is called forward looking driving, that is why you go slower on one-lane roads, especially around corners. YOU need to be able to stop any time. If not, you are too fast. Simple. Full stop.

...and if Apple complains, China will give them bad (state) press on their consumer orientation...

Well, yes, that is an option, but I am still missing a link between ACARS and the Auto-Pilot..., pleeeease show make me believe what I read.

There is a serious amount of crap in the linked article IMHO.

Can you explain me where the 6 square kilometers of glass go?!?

The amps come with the voltage. As I wrote, depending on the generation of the cable there can be several 1000 Volts on them (between inner and outer conductor). The ones I have seen cut (respectively the piece they brought up) were off the coast of Dakar.

The owner obviously had some enemies and asked his Feng-Shui designer to direct the bad energy to his neighbors...

Now that is a pretty stupid idea... Many older cable have a very high voltage between their conductors in order to power amplifiers... I have seen some that failed due to fishing vessels dragging their anchor across them. You don't want to do this by hand...

mine are still, I prefer glass over plastic lenses. Although I do break them...

now if you drop those both the glass AND the frame are gone...

DC makes your blood boiling, i.e. setting free gases which you might not notice initially, just when you have a stroke following this exercise...

what utterly crap FB is doing...

yes, I remember seeing that before

looks like a cable from our iRon

Well, at least if there's fog you know what you are supposed to see...