
Cancelled my Netflix account after hearing this news. The truth is that I’m subscribed to far too many streaming services for far too little quality entertainment.

I 1000% agree on the DMZ mode! It’s the most fun I’ve had with COD since Warzone released. Warzone too me by surprise when it launched and I easily spent hundreds of hours in it. Well, DMZ was equally surprising and is now my go to mode!


Far less money than our Rival’s parent company but still brings in DOUBLE what Xbox does every year.

The fact your statement is “Sony does not have a solid 1st party ecosystem disqualifies you from the debate. lol

Sony is already sharing MLB the Show and believe it or not, I could actually see Gamepass on PlayStation in the future.

Probably as funny as MLB The Show currently on Xbox with a PlayStation logo on it.

I can understand why Zack. Xbox is great for a budget, casual gamer like yourself.

The sales gap between PlayStation and Xbox is even wider than it was for the PS4 and Xbox One.

the PS5 was by far the easiest console I’ve ever gotten. In first 3 days of pre-orders in September, it was so much easier to snag one than now.

Gears 5 was like Gears 4. Which was nothing like the original Gears 1,2 or 3.

The PS5 is hard to get...

It’s almost like they shouldn’t have focused on Teraflops and actually optimized the machine for easier development like PS5.


That was certainly true in the 360 era but things have changed. The biggest multiplayer game every single year is COD which is at home on PlayStation for now.

Is there any reason why you choose to attach an aging hard drive? Didn’t we already know that cold storage for PS5 games wasn’t possible right now on external drives? That seems to be the common denominator between users is the external drives.

This has been by far, the easiest next gen launch that I’ve been involved in. I pre-ordered 3 PS5 on day one and managed a 4th one this morning from Best Buy. I had more problems finding a PS4 and Switch than anything.

This games does look enticing but I can say that I’m definitely not impressed with what I’ve seen of the combat. It looks very janky and unpolished. The videos I have seen look like the hit detection is all over the place.

Can we all agree on the most important aspect of Warzone staying the same?
