
Could also be:

We decided not to have children. I really appreciate that other people do and we will always have friends that have children that we are close to but It was a choice I made very early.

When people ask me if I have kids, I usually respond with, “No, I have a very expensive computer instead.”

The OP’S response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”

People think I’m joking when I say the IRS has by far the nicest collections people I’ve dealt with. They don’t do any of the bullying, shaming or “don’t you have a family member who can help?” bullshit. It’s a shame “the tax man” has such a bad rep, they really are reasonable.

“nobody saw her jump”
“no trauma consistent with hitting the water at a high impact”

Please don’t trivialize depression and mental health issues by immediately dismissing suicide and going full conspiracy. Depression can affect anyone, regardless of color, sex, gender or social standing.

I’ll bet you also were one of the many here who thought the san bernsrdino shooter was a white guy.

Defence attorneys have to defend people who are often guilty. I don’t think that amounts to “bad shit.”

“Caitlyn also claims she believes Robert represented Simpson because he was jealous that Kris married Bruce. “I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f—k you,” 

They’re all greedy assholes. (Jenner, Simpson, Kardashian)

I’m already assuming the shooter’s a white male.

Not shade.

Nope. Nuh uh. Not happening. I am not rewarding bad service on the part of the server. If they do a good job in spite of everyone around them fucking up and ruining my experience, I won’t take it out of their tip, but 15% is reserved for a minimum of average service without added bullshit on the server’s part. I don’t

I disagree. I tip 15% on “basic service”. If it’s bad, as in, detracts from my overall experience then I’m not tipping. For things that aren’t really the server’s fault (meal quality, time, etc) I don’t reduce my tip.

But there are no details aside from needing to return food 5 times. Was the food too cold? Too hot? Meat, when it should be vegetarian? Hair in the soup? Were there cockroaches? Too much sun shining through the window and blinding her? Why is the manager terrible? Did he punch her? Was the bathroom dirty? Did the

It’s the Annette Benning vs. Denise Richards debate. Women who fall in love with habitual womanizers often believe they’re going to be Annette Benning whereas they end up being the Denise Richards in the long run. The former is the rare reception (usually because the guy decides to settle down with whomever he’s with


Nobody agrees on what is correct. Everyone agrees you should shout as loud as you can and call everyone out for being wrong and therefore should be reviled as a misogynist for even the most mild of “crimes”.

Ugh. Yes. I am overweight, and I do endurance sports. The other day I was about a mile into my run during lunch, and someone told me to “keep up the good work”. I don’t care how supportive she thought she was being. I was tempted to yell back, “Bitch, I can run 30 miles.” I wish people would just shut up and let