
Sometimes it feels like we take on the easy targets that don’t want to hit back instead of going hard on the ones that deserve it.

I hate that we’re even having this conversation. Miley Cirus and Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato and Katy Perry got away with actual appropriation. Miley might’ve been the worst offender in the history of mankind. She took from the culture, made it look like absolute trash, and then walked away from it when she got

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

“I thought what if it’s all over the room? ... I put it underneath the rug. Imagine how happy that person was!”

Counterpoint: Stick to one issue at a time. If you try to attach Michael’s laundry list of wishes to your goal, you’ll accomplish nothing and the odds of you accomplishing anything are pretty thin to start with.

Wine babies are the best b/c you don’t have to pay for their college

So revenge porn is wrong unless it involves Hulk Hogan. Got it.

The smart water, shitty movie, and aveeno references really pull this comment together.

Can I add that she’s gotten to long-term bang two super hot dudes? I mean in my heaven all the angels look like naked Justin Theroux. I’m sure she’ll move on to something delicious. Lady is doing just fine.

A friend of mine literally possessed her wedding dress longer than she was married. I’m not kidding.

I love her sly, secretive-but-not-really childfree-ness. Also, her eternally perfect hair. No mommy cut for Jen!

#lifegoals may be the most overused hashtag, ever, but those are really are on point. Added to this: owning three homes, various vehicles, and the paltry sum of 150 million dollars to ensure a beautiful future, and, yeah, she had better be sleeping soundly at night.

I was literally thinking just yesterday about how great it would be to be Jen Aniston. Do yoga, drink smart water, drink maragaritas, hang out with your girlfriends, film one shitty movie a year, slather yourself in aveeno, go to mexico.

There was one point in my early thirties in which I really resented attending weddings. Not out of jealousy but because it would entail shower gifts, wedding gifts, travel expenses, bridesmaid dresses etc. And then the couple would divorce a couple of years, later. If that. It began to seem like a way to stock their

While this is true in terms of the public dissection of her; Jennifer Aniston leads a pretty charmed life. Not saying that this won’t hurt, but she has managed to create a fairly cushy existence* which can be hard to glimpse through the ‘poor Jennifer’ narrative.

This may not be a popular opinion, but the female reporter using the “me too” hashtag because she didn’t get called upon is bullshit. Have some respect for what the movement is about.


But Jocelyn, has something to offer that not a lot of women have.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers