
hi everyone! i picked up my cap and gown and hood this week and i’m SO EXCITED. perhaps too early, but i’m a nerd and i’m so fucking excited. the end is in sight. 3 years later and this masters is almost done.

Part of the public safety thing for cabs is that they are picking up random riders from the street. This is largely not an issue for ride-share apps as there is an automatically-recorded link between rider/passenger. If I go missing immediately after getting into an Uber, that’s a pretty easy trail for the

I had to take an actual cab the other day and he pulled the credit machine is ‘broken’ thing on me. It made me remember why I hate taking regular cabs and jumped so easily to uber. His cab was covered in anti-uber stickers too which made me laugh a bit. Taxis needed to get on finding out why customers were leaving

I have a question that never gets answered in all these “Fuck Uber” articles.

Agreed, I use Uber a lot, each and every ride was fast, courteous and almost all were in decent cars. I don’t have to wait for a beat up, rickety old Cab and I can hail Uber anywhere.

It FAR outpaces the taxi industry’s business model.

I love Uber purely for the fact that it’s killing the taxi industry. I could write a 100 page book of all the shitty cab experiences I’ve had.

Look I’m no fan of Uber, the few rides I’ve taken in an Uber have been terrible and the drivers got lost, but they and other ride sharing companies have been hailed as champions for “Breaking the Monopoly of Cab companies and protectionist government policies” is under fire for not acting like a cab company? That’s

When I was in elementary school I was a loyal viewer of the show Fashion Television. And I remember I had this visceral hatred of Lagerfeld, who I thought was a pretentious twat. Which, with hindsight, is sort of an hilarious thing for a 9 year old to even have an opinion about.

Does my memory serve me that his

Not cool.

I met my husband on OKC and have only in the past 1.5 years stopped being embarrassed about it- the stigma that used to be there is gone!! He was my first and only online date... it worked out well. Needless to say I’m a fan of online dating.

Well, I met my husband of 13 years in 2002 on It was like a ship sailing in the night and our profiles caught briefly because, he, a New Yorker, didn’t want to date a Jersey girl. We were older (48 and 50) when we met, and our lifestyles were so different (I hung out with a large group of 40-somethings, and

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

This performance made a birth truther out of me. I’m going to get kicked out of the Beyhive for this, but now that we can see what she looks like actually pregnant, it becomes clear as day that she was not pregnant with Blue Ivy. I never bought into that conspiracy theory before, but now I do. #pleasedontdoxxme

I’m making sliders and sweet potato fries.

Girl come over my house Im watching Dateline and pizza is on its way.

They don’t necessarily have to match but they don’t have to clash either.

One is a girl and one is a boy?

The bra doesn’t have anything to do with the panty. I’m confused.

I got my first prom dress at DEB! It was COVERED in purple glitter and all the glitter came off during the course of the evening. My friend, who’s something ridiculous like 6'5", had glitter on top of his head. The car my now-husband and I took still had glitter ground into the gearshift and some of the crevasses when

Don’t know why there’s an issue with your comment. It was an awful situation she was in, but thank goodness it didn’t end up being worse, because it could have.