
She looks STUNNING. Also, Giuliana Rancic’s dress looks very pretty on her.

Natalie Portman just graced everyone with her presence. Is it me or does she just get more pretentious and bitchier every time I see her.

Some good advice, that you should aim towards this CONVICTED MURDERER. I’ll gladly be the first to call this pile of human garbage a “fucking freak”, not because of the proposed surgery mind you, but because this animal chose to actively take the life of another human being. Where was her empathy?

Oh, for god’s sake, can we knock it off with the hyperbole?

Hm. I am liberal and I fully support trans acceptance, but when someone is a convicted murderer (and not convicted in the sense of a kangaroo court) I gusss I don’t really have much empathy for their mental health. If she’s tried to kill herself, I can really only shrug my shoulders there. She willingly took another

I work in the medical field, and inmates have better health coverage than the VAST majority of Americans. It’s really upsetting.

She murdered an innocent person. That idea should be reinforced.

She is a criminal.

She IS a criminal. She’s a convicted murderer.

I wish Shiloh Quine had had some empathy for Shahid Ali Baig and his family.

The picture at the top only serves to reinforce the idea she’s a criminal

I’m liberal as hell and am mad at this bullshit. Do the wrong things in life and get what you want, at the expense of our taxes, that’s the lesson here. I need my state to rewrite its prison policy so that unless it’s life threatening, prisoners don’t get any surgery. There are so many law abiding people looking for

I’m a man and I used to live near a shelter for abused women (and their children.) I never knew the exact address but I knew it must be near me somewhere so I called their hotline and told them I’d like to help them out, but rather than just sending a check, I’d like to actually buy them things they need, and save

I use a menstrual cup and have for a number of years, but my then-boyfriend/now-husband would frequently pick up tampons for me without prompting. He thought nothing of it.

If he can’t handle your vagina at it’s bloodiest, he doesn’t deserve it at it’s cleanest!

You just reminded me of a gal who posted that nonsense meme/story about the husband who was drifting away from his wife & wants a divorce but she asks him to carry her over the threshold every day and then he realizes that he still loves her and then she dies because she of course has cancer.

And they post countless relationship memes.

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.

Couldn’t she just be referring to traditional soul food, and just be a crass ignorant asshat rather than a racist asshat?