
How cute. Someone who is young or exceptionally lucky to never have experienced how the real world works.

Because if you’ve got coworkers who are willing to work after hours and you are not, you’re the one who gets passed over for promotions and raises. You’re also the first on the list come layoff time.

I expect it’s mostly for the Census and to make it easier to identify citizens in the future when you apply for things like passports and driver’s licenses. I think it’s important to know the general statistics about your country’ s populace anyway.

They are in the sense that all the documents the government and government agencies produce in the future will be dictated by that birth certificate. It matters in terms of demography, public health, vaccinations, sports, anti-discrimination laws and policies, probably a ton of other things I can’t even understand.

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just dense, but okay.

There are actually decent reasons to list biological sex, mostly medical ones. As much as it might bother some people, there are actual important differences between male and female bodies that can dictate health concerns and yes, I don’t have a problem denoting sex on a birth certificate.

Kanye is fucked up but he isn’t talentless.

Come sit by me, I loved it too. Terrified Marie! “I’LL GUT YOU!” Pooping in a gift basket! There was so much to love.

Kylie called it her “gift to the world.”

I feel like it’s contract work. no?

yeah she’s basically Phoebe Price now

re: Bella

What are Taylor’s recruitment practices to be part of her squad? Like, once you have been accepted, do you have to go to HR to fill out a I9?


Yeah, this whole “but nowadays HIV is no big deal!” slant troubles me. It’s still a lifelong disease that requires constant care—and it (or complications from it) can still kill you. Even if it’s “less likely.” Maybe let your partners have the OPTION to decide if it’s really “no biggie”??? Bc personally, I know HIV

You can believe what you want, to be it’s SCREAMINGLY obvious that she used Rob to make a Kardashian baby, knowing she can capitalize on it, both from the family and from the media. You can have money and still be a golddigger, just look at Mariah Carey trying to negotiate a $50 million settlement from her billionaire

There is a problem though, when you marry someone simply for the money, the fame and the possibility to be part of the ‘Kardashian brand’ and you brag about it to other dudes you meet on the side.

It doesn’t get trashier than the Kardashians and anyone associated with them, including Blac Chyna.

Watch the attempt of these people to be relevant is one of the most embarrassing things we, as humanity, have to go through.

I’ve just been baking.