
No you won’t move anywhere else.

I’m not particularly pleased with police these days and I’m certainly not pro-Trump but... I’m not sure your number is accurate there. Call it a hunch.

Up the meds? Breathe? Realize that the world has never ended the next day beyond an asteroid?

Anyone else following the Sara Gruen/Hatchimal debacle?

“There is a part of me that wants my kids to feel, at least in some relatively painless and abstract way, that the world is fucked.”

I didn’t realize your 3 and 5 year old were personally responsible for the state of the world but if you really feel like ruining their Christmas instead of doing anything proactive like, oh, I don’t know, contacting your senator or volunteering with an organization that’s actively affected by the state of things,

It doesn’t make you a garbage person! I like them a lot too. I also like The Chainsmokers (“Closer” is my jam). I’m not entirely sure when society (or maybe just people on here) decided that liking songs with nice catchy melodies was “terrible” or that we’re too good for that. As much as I try because I do love her, I

Nope. I’m sorry they own two homes. They probably have all the things they need. They don’t need another damn wok. Bad look for your friend.


Then I am doubling down. The guy doesn’t care about a registry, that’s all for her benefit. Just send a card, no gift. And if that bothers her, then she’s being tacky.

NO. NO NO NO. One gift for the first wedding, especially when they don’t need anything.

wait the weekend is a former Jonas Brother? no I do not think so. The Weeknd is superior to any Jonas.

The Weeknd was in the Jonas Brothers?

You need to date your friends ex, you know they can commit.

So, on the awkward scale; where does “walking the catwalk around your ex in lingerie for national broadcast” fall?

Do the guests get their wedding gifts back for a one season marriage?

No, they had an easier time voting for Barack Obama than Hillary Clinton, because Barack Obama had a fucking message.

I think all the out of context ranting about Hillary and the superpredators line diminished her anti-racism credentials for some people and made her seem like less of a strong alternative on the race front. I suspect it contributed to the lack of turnout for her.

In the end, we need to collectively learn to use our

Thank you. Your children will say the same about your generation when you’re old. Signed, A Boomer.