
The holiday went great! We hosted my GF’s parents at our place and so it was the first Thanksgiving where I did the majority of the cooking. And it came out well! I made stuffing with fresh cranberries, roasted chestnuts, celery, onions, sage, rosemary, thyme. I also made roasted lacinato (dinosaur) kale with bacon

THAT IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA! Imagine, stuffing waffles, cranberry relish/jam/sauce (whatever- just tart and sweet deliciousness!), turkey and gravy. For breakfast. With a mimosa- or four. Oh god. I’m so hungry now.

Layer warmed turkey on bread, with a shmear of cranberry sauce between each slice. Top with warmed stuffing. Make a small depression in the middle of the stuffing and fill with a tablespoon of gravy. Top with a second slice of bread.

Well to be fair, whenever I look at a big ol’ sweet potato or pumpkin pie, all I see is...

Someone made waffles out of leftover stuffing and used them for the bread, though. That’s not just a sandwich, it’s a tribute.

None, but there’s a rumor that Barron’s autistic.

I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:

Also - all the outfits shown are pretty bad. Not going to lie.

Actually, I feel like this is actually a kind of happy ending. At least, the happiest that could be hoped for when a 14-year-old dies of cancer. I think the chances of her waking up (alone, and all the terrifying things that implicates) in the future are vanishingly tiny. Like, effectively zero. But her parents made

Totally understand why a 14 year old would be so scared of dying that she would wish for this.

Because some people don’t want snapchat? I think snapchat is so stupid. Think about the concept you are posting photos to social media that expire after 10 seconds or a day. Poof. Gone. On the surface that would seem like you’re living in the moment instead of creating curated moments like Instagram. But no, you’re

Gifts that double as gifts for yourself are always the best! haha

I’m not at all surprised that there are disgusting creeps who will use hypnosis to sexually assault women. But on the other hand, I am absolutely surprised that hypnosis is real. I always thought it was a sham.

From what I’ve seen so far, when a Democrat wins, the stories are about how Republicans take out their anger about losing on Democrats. When a Republican wins, the stories are about how Republicans take out their pent up frustration on Democrats. In either case, Republicans are all bad and Democrats are all good.

Yea it is a little much. I work at a library and there were tons of people coming in and printing out their tickets to the Trump rally. The good thing about libraries is it is a space for EVERYONE to come in. When we start discriminating against people based on their political place, we are not better than those we

Please tell me you got some responses affirming what you said.

And thanks for replying:) Yeah I’m seeing a reaction that looks too much like “I didn’t get my way.” I grew up on a farm, and rain or shine, bad elections or no, we all had to get up and take care of business. My Dad didn’t cry if we had a bad harvest. He set about doing what he could to protect the next one.

Thank You. I’ve decided to stop reading/posting here (after many years), owing to the responses to the election I’m seeing here. Apparently these folks don’t HAVE to work every day in order to survive. I think many of them are just very young. There will be greater misfortunes in their lives than this. I wonder how

On election day this week, I found out that I got an interview with Boeing for a paid internship this summer. I was elated. It is literally the path to my dream job. I was prepared to get smashingly drunk that night to celebrate getting an interview opportunity and seeing the first woman President. We bought champagne

she’s his daughter, ya jerks, because he married her sister.